kickin' the cat out?


shoot it or give it some antifreeze to drink.............

edited by: jhiggins, Mar 23, 2003 - 05:15 PM[addsig]

lol. The funny thing is I raise english bulldogs, and my house is infested w/cats (outside). its like I'm a mailman or something. :lol:

edited by: n2jeeps, Mar 23, 2003 - 07:11 PM[addsig]


open your hood and leave your radiator cap off.... :evil: :evil: :evil: [addsig]

I don't think its that kind of cat......if it is she must be an old "cat" cuze she keeps peeing on my seat. :p [addsig]


:-D Cats are useless

yall are mean!!!!! oh my goodnesss MEAN!!!!! Lord have mercy 1 dont leave your top down witout you in it!!! that will stop it .... and the cat wont pee all over ya jeep... [addsig]

1st i hope its the small domestic kind of cat lol . check the pet store,they have some different sprays to discourage the animal from visiting. or get a dog lol[addsig]


buy a used shock collar off ebay and next time you see the cat throw it on him, put the little transmiter in your center consule and set that baby to stun. next time mr.friskies comes by hes gonna get whomped with a little lightning bolt. p.s. make sure you're there with a video camera to capture his suprised yowl and acrobatic display. he will learn very quickly, then remove the collar and sell it on ebay again, that is if he ever returns to your property lol.[addsig]

hey, cats are cool. but cool cats wouldn't pee in your jeep. killing them won't help - too damn many of them.

try this. when you're parking throw a plastic shower curtain over your tub. looks rediculus, but easier than putting the top up.

antifreeze. . . how terrible.

44 mag. just make sure they're not on the seat.[addsig]


I work at Wal-Mart and we have some animal repellant stuff in the garden center. I bet it would work pretty good for ya. [addsig]

Thanks for all the ideas. One of these are bound to work, I'll just start from the top and work my way down. All these ideas are legal right? :lol: :lol: :lol: [addsig]

you should just rig up your jeep with dynamite... and next time that cat comes by, just blow up your car, taking that cat along with it...

good idea, eh? :) lol[addsig]


Oh, see you had to go and say "legal ways" That threw a wrench in all the ones I had. [addsig]

if it is not your ,cat yes it would be illegal. if you are caught. the cat is pissing in your seat because it is marking its territory. belive it or not cats are very clean animals. there is a reason it is pissing in the seat . find out why and this will solve the problem. i would bet there is another animal that is visiting your jeep. neighbors dog whizzes on my wheels, and our cat will go right behind him and mark it also. he is fixed but he goes on the ground because because he cant spray. ......what a topic for jeepzzzzzzzzzz.......haha. odax :lol: :lol: :lol: [addsig]

i've used cayenne pepper to keep dogs from whizzing on my rims. sprinkle some on your seat, not too much. . . may cause you problems with shorts on :-O [addsig]


Man I just remebered when I was little I had a book called "101 things to do with a dead cat" If I can find that book and you guys can help me.. cough...cough catch that cat then I'm set. :evil: :evil:

edited by: n2jeeps, Mar 24, 2003 - 08:44 PM[addsig]