My latest accomplishment

Is this really legal?

Yeah, it's legal. Not very effective in most places, though. Most court dates are set with the officer's work time in mind. In other words, the officer is scheduled once or twice a month only for court, not street work. When your case is scheduled, it is scheduled on that officer's court day. No matter how many times you postpone it, it will always be rescheduled for that officer's court day. Like I said, it's not like that everywhere, but in most places it is. The cop isn't going to get tired of you not showing up; he gets paid the same to sit in the court room whether you show or not, and it's not like he's being called in just for your traffic offense...he's already there.

Bummer about the 2nd ticket. You've got some bad karma from somewhere, bud! Anyway, when you go in for your 1st ticket, be right up front with the judge, before you say or do anything else, be honest and tell him about the 2nd ticket. And, when you go for the 2nd ticket, do the same thing. It may not be good for your wallet, but it would be worse if you tried to hide it. And, as always, your honesty will win a few points with the judge.

Here's a thought: make your ex pay for the 2nd ticket, since it was her fault!!:lol: Or, you could sue the cell phone company for enticement. Their marketing and services were just too much for you to resist, causing you to get a speeding ticket!!:p
You can postpone as long as teh court grants it. Is this is the same county? HEre, our judges have access to the MVA records as well as court documents to see if you had been there before or plead out, etc. If you tell him you have a clean record. and he sees another ticket in the system for the 2nd one, you could get hit harder. Don't say anything about your clean record. I would say something along the line of never having been stopped before this ticket and explain the circumstances.

As for speed traps, i hate that term because i know what people think one is. Its where signs are hidden or radar is being used right at the speed change area and nabbing people before they have a chance to slow down. In our town, we call the fishing hole, its not a speed trap, the speed is 25 mph thu and thru, clearly marked in all directions and in front of a school. The average speed I clocked on this road was 40. That was average. I wouldn't even stop people until they broke 41 and I was still hammering people all afternoon. In court I heard the whole speed trap etc etc. Thats not what a trap is.
The tickets are at two different court houses. I just don't know how it will all play out. Oh well I'll just be honest I guess, seems to be the best way.

Thats good they are at different courts. But i think if you get probation you will get jacked by both. I don't know what else to tell you. BE courteous ot the judge and respectful. Maybe you will be ok in both situations. and actually, see if you can take driver imporovement classes BEFORE court and bring the certificate with you. How old are you again? If you are young enough you can always tug on the judges heart strings with the, "my parents made me take the drivers improvement course and they have suspended some of my driving priviledges". Seems to work here ALOT.
I'm 20, and I have to take the course through the court apparently. Do you think that I will be jacked by both? I don't know if the second ticket will count in the probationary period because of when I was pulled for it...
I'm 20, and I have to take the course through the court apparently. Do you think that I will be jacked by both? I don't know if the second ticket will count in the probationary period because of when I was pulled for it...

I don't think so, but I'm no expert.

In our town, we call the fishing hole, its not a speed trap, the speed is 25 mph thu and thru, clearly marked in all directions and in front of a school.

See Sparky? "Fishing Hole"!!! I told you. Naa naa. :p
We have a little town where I own a rental house and there is a speed trap there. No question about it. A speed limit sign at the same point on both sides of the street but one is ten MPH lower than the other. So they lull you in one way and catch you on the way back. This little town was actually on Dateline a few years back for the many speed traps they had set up. By the way, I never noticed it until I was in a car with a police officer from the next town who pointed it out.
I don't know if you get hit by both or not. I think it will really depend on your judges. One could be cool and the other good be a jerk. Hopefully they are both understanding and lenient.

I disagree with Sparky. I know in the State of Maryland the third time they often don't schedule you on the officer's day in court. I know several people this has worked for.

It's not a 100% effective tactic, but you have absolutely nothing to lose. Your school is the perfect reason to give for needing to postpone.
I disagree with Sparky. I know in the State of Maryland the third time they often don't schedule you on the officer's day in court. I know several people this has worked for.

It's not a 100% effective tactic, but you have absolutely nothing to lose. Your school is the perfect reason to give for needing to postpone.

Might be worth a shot. My dad is gonna be talking to his lawyer buddy and is gonna try and squeeze me into the convo.
The postponement method is pretty thin... The judge does NOT have to let you postpone as long as all prosecuting parties, witnesses and the judge are present. If the complete party of the case is there, the judge has no obligation to allow postponement

The postponement method is pretty thin... The judge does NOT have to let you postpone as long as all prosecuting parties, witnesses and the judge are present. If the complete party of the case is there, the judge has no obligation to allow postponement

Well, typically, the postponement method requires the accused to call in a day or two in advance to reschedule. I don't think you can walk in that day and postpone it.
At least here, you better have a great reason to postpone. The judges don't usually allow it on the day of trail. They usually require it in writing at least 7 days prior. I also don't know how big the court system is where your at, but here they always schedule on the officers set traffic court days. We are all assigned days of the week for traffic court the day we are hired. If you do get one post poned it will more than likely get moved to another day the officers would be in court. Good luck with everything.
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The lawyer got it set so that the first ticket got reduced to a 150 dollar fine for malfunctioning equipment and that I'll get driving improvement class for the second offense. That cost me the equivalent of a new surfboard, and links for the Jeep. Damn this stuff is expensive.
No points, though?? That's GOOD!!! Insurance gets very expensive for an extended period of time. It's good to hear (I guess?!?!:???: ) that it only cost you "instant" money.