National Anthem

Re: RE: On this Memorial Day 2005: A Gift For Al Queda

For as long as I can remember, the way the National Anthem is sung has long been a thorn in my side. I don't know if any of you caught the opening ceremonies for the Coca Cola 600 at Lowe's Motor Speedway today. First, the Marines sang "Amazing Grace" and it was enough to bring a tear to my eye. Then they announced that the top 10 finalists of "American Idol" were going to sing the National Anthem....I was horrified when I imagined what it was going to sound like. After it was over, my fears were gone, as they actually sang it quite well.

So, here's the gist of my question: Should the National Anthem be sung exactly as written, or should the singer be allowed to take artistic license and mutilate the melody, tempo, rhythm and pace of the song? I have heard some absolute atrocities before baseball games and the like from people who think their off-key warblings and artistic license is an improvement to the original song. My vote, as it is our National Anthem and a solemn testimony to our great nation, is that it be sung as originally written with no changes to the melody, tempo, or rhythm.

What do you think?

Ive never thought about that, though I do see a valid point.
If you wanted it like it was written it would be a poem, not a song. I don't believe that the singers think they're improving the anthem, just making a variations. Some good and some bad. Some are on purpose and some are not. If you have ever taken a look at how the notes to the national anthem go, it is one of the toughest songs to sing, a lot of up and down notes.
As long as the text stays the same and the meaning NEVER changes, let the so called singers make fools of them selfs.

RE: thanks

I will offer an alternate opinion, Sparky: I think that the "Star Spangled Banner" can be sung in a non-traditional way while retaining the intended dignity.

Want proof?

Listen to Whitney Houston's version of "S-S-B" (prepare to have your socks knocked off) at Super Bowl-XXV (1991) here:

Whitney can do it, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir can do it. The rest of us cannot sing that song.

The "Star Spangled Banner" became the national anthem by act of Congress in 1931. Frankly, I think the "Star Spangled Banner" was a poor choice of anthem. One of those senators should have filibustered until 1938. That was the year Kate Smith first sang "God Bless America."

Listen to Kate here:

A song that we, the people who have to sing the anthem, can handle.

But...can you imagine the lawsuits if the USA National Anthem included the word, "God"?

I shudder to think ...


From the mountains, to the prairie, to the oceans white with foam, Gadget
Gadget, my next door neighbor is related to Kate Smith.

MerkL said:
If you wanted it like it was written it would be a poem, not a song. I don't believe that the singers think they're improving the anthem, just making a variations. Some good and some bad. Some are on purpose and some are not. If you have ever taken a look at how the notes to the national anthem go, it is one of the toughest songs to sing, a lot of up and down notes.

Um, it is a poem, and the words should be sung as they were written.

I'm okay if someone wants to do their own "rendition", but so long as Francis Scott Key's words are intact and it is not done disrespectfully (Remember Rosanne Barr?) I'm good with it.

I personally prefer it done traditionally.
Re: RE: National Anthem

What frustrates me is this past Saturday when walking into Camden Yards (The Orioles Ballpark) the Star Spangled Banner had already started. I stopped him, removed my hat, instructed him to do the same and we turned to look toward the flag. We were nearly trampled for it at first, but as a couple others stopped walking eventually the others got the idea and everyone stooped the hustle bustle long enough to hear the Anthem. I looked around and folks all over the stadium were walking around like it was nothing.

Have we really had it that good where we don't appreciate what we have and how it was gained?

RE: Yanks vs. Redsox This Weekend!!!!!

TwistedCopper said:
What frustrates me is this past Saturday when walking into Camden Yards (The Orioles Ballpark) the Star Spangled Banner had already started. I stopped him, removed my hat, instructed him to do the same and we turned to look toward the flag. We were nearly trampled for it at first, but as a couple others stopped walking eventually the others got the idea and everyone stooped the hustle bustle long enough to hear the Anthem. I looked around and folks all over the stadium were walking around like it was nothing.

Have we really had it that good where we don't appreciate what we have and how it was gained?

This was going to be part of my poll, also...respect for the anthem through actions. It is actually law that you remove your hat, stand, and place your hand over your heart when the anthem is played! To do anything else is pure disrespect in my opinion.
TwistedCopper said:
Gadget, my next door neighbor is related to Kate Smith.

MerkL said:
If you wanted it like it was written it would be a poem, not a song. I don't believe that the singers think they're improving the anthem, just making a variations. Some good and some bad. Some are on purpose and some are not. If you have ever taken a look at how the notes to the national anthem go, it is one of the toughest songs to sing, a lot of up and down notes.

Um, it is a poem, and the words should be sung as they were written.

I'm okay if someone wants to do their own "rendition", but so long as Francis Scott Key's words are intact and it is not done disrespectfully (Remember Rosanne Barr?) I'm good with it.

I personally prefer it done traditionally.

And my church choir director's daughter, Linda Messenger, wrote "God Bless the USA" for Lee Greenwood....

......I agree that the words should remain intact, but also the original melody. Any variations, IMHO, are disrespectful.

......I agree that "God Bless America" is a much better choice, and yeah, I've heard Kate blast that song into the outer reaches of the universe...simply awesome!!!
Sparky-Watts said:
......I agree that the words should remain intact, but also the original melody. Any variations, IMHO, are disrespectful.
I find it hard to believe that you hear variations of the anthem. If you do, then I would agree with you, in that it shouldn't be messed with. But I think you mean the inflections and different tones that the singers use when they sing it. I do not find that disrespectful.
Also you don't sing poems, you read them. So done traditionally, like Key wrote it, we'd be reading it.

You cant butcher "O'CANADA"
sure people have changed it just a little but not enough that you cant sing along.

I have to agree with sparky thou, the song should be sung how it was traditionally made. for no other reason than that it is a song that if you would like to sing along, you should be able to. its not a song that should be made your own because its not your own. Its your countries song, dont try to make it anything different.

I love being canadian. Any place with the Beaver as its national animal has gotta be a great place to come from eh?
RE: New Rims 15 or 16"?

for no other reason than that it is a song that if you would like to sing along, you should be able to. its not a song that should be made your own because its not your own. Its your countries song, dont try to make it anything different.

I like Ants' view on this subject. When you are doing it in a public forum- FOR the public- FOR it's historical significance and symbolism.....have some respect and be humble about the honor of being ALLOWED to present the anthem.

On the other hand, if a musician wants to express himself through the anthem at one of their concerts or on one of their CDs, then I think that's great. It's a tribute to the anthem for them to do so.

I need to go find my CD that has the Hendrix version on it......[/i]
Needs to be sung like it was written. "Artists" now like to redo other people's music (AKA puff daddy) and claim it as their own and think they are being "original". Singing the Anthem is an honor and the people who are singing it should sing it as it's written. The words should be what the person (and the audience) should focus on and their little "original" changes to the music takes that focus away from the message, AND pisses people like me off. Makes me sick when people screw with music like that and then act like they really did something special. It's bad enough when it's Kashmir or some other classic song, but when people screw with something like the Anthem or hymns they should have thier vocal cords removed.

RE: Re: RE: Re: thanks

Junkpile said:
for no other reason than that it is a song that if you would like to sing along, you should be able to. its not a song that should be made your own because its not your own. Its your countries song, dont try to make it anything different.

I like Ants' view on this subject. When you are doing it in a public forum- FOR the public- FOR it's historical significance and symbolism.....have some respect and be humble about the honor of being ALLOWED to present the anthem.

That's exactly the point I was wanting to get at, but just never managed to put it into words. Thanks, Junk, for summing it up so well. Oh, yeah, and you too, Kimmo and wm69. :wink:
MerkL said:
If you have ever taken a look at how the notes to the national anthem go, it is one of the toughest songs to sing, a lot of up and down notes.

Yeah, I know. I'm a free-lance singer for weddings, funerals, community events, church services, etc., and I've had to sing it. It spans such a range that not many people can sing it well....and I'm one that can't sing it well, which is why I usually try to decline if asked. I have a good range, but it's a strain for me to reach some of the higher notes. Yeah, I can do it, just not as well as someone else might be able to.
Re: RE: National Anthem

Inspector-Gadget said:
Listen to Whitney Houston's version of "S-S-B" (prepare to have your socks knocked off) at Super Bowl-XXV (1991) here

Pure mutilation....never been a Whitney fan, sorry. Her big song, "I will always love you" or whatever it's called is used in many major cities now as a civil defense siren, as it has been deemed to be more obtrusive to the human ear than the half-pitched original sirens, and can make a dog's ears bleed at a distance of no less than 25 miles.......

Re: RE: National Anthem

MerkL said:
Sparky-Watts said:
......I agree that the words should remain intact, but also the original melody. Any variations, IMHO, are disrespectful.
I find it hard to believe that you hear variations of the anthem. If you do, then I would agree with you, in that it shouldn't be messed with. But I think you mean the inflections and different tones that the singers use when they sing it. I do not find that disrespectful.
Also you don't sing poems, you read them. So done traditionally, like Key wrote it, we'd be reading it.

Yes, the inflections and different tones are exactly what I'm talking about. A very minor trill here or there is ok, but a total runoff with a different set of notes, lingering on one note, or rushing another set out of tempo is not ok.

And yes, I think we all understand your point that it was originally a poem. It's not the stinkin' poem I'm talking about, ok? The poem is not our national anthem. The anthem is the song...the combination of the poem put to music, so let's get off the poem thing.....
Re: RE: National Anthem

sing it how you want, in whichever tune you want, just keep the words true.

Junkpile, i have the hendrix version on my computer if you, or anyone else wants it, let me know.

i think the bottom line is respect. whether or not you agree that it is the best fit song to be the national anthem, the fact of the matter is that it is our national anthem. respect it when you sing it, and respect it when you're hearing it. stand up, take off your hat, cover your heart, and stand towards the flag if there is one. its not hard to do. athletes from other countries who refuse to even stand, should be shipped back to their respective countries immediately. its not about supporting the government, the war, the education policies or any of that political banter, its about respecting the men and women that came before, the people that gave their lives so that we may enjoy the baseball game, so that we may spend millions of dollars on a superbowl ad or whatever else the event may be. by standing and being respectful during the anthem does not mean that you are a bush supporter, or whoever the president at that current time is. respect is all that is asked. i'm not canadian, nor does their government benefit me in any way, but when i watch a hockey game in canada, i stand, i take off my cap, and i'm silent, out of respect, not because i love canada, or their political views.

Sing it how you want. I think the notion, no offense to those that disagree, that it's disrespectful to add artistic license is TOTALLY against the spirit of our nation.

We are a nation of diversity, and a mixed bag of cultures, creeds and so on. We should celebrate the differences and version people put into the anthem because it reflects our culture...the melting pot. To me, it's the ultimate sign of respect. An artist trying (whether for good or bad) to embellish (to me) is a sign of respect because it shows they care enough to try. To regurgitate the exact version over and over is monotonous., and screams of zombified uniformity.

Jimi Hendrix's version is by far and away the best version, and contains no lyrics. It's the ultimate in artistic license, and you can feel the passion he put in to his version of the song. Do you feel this version is disrespectful? Not me.

I agree with Gadget though, it was a poor choice to begin with.

Just my opinion, great question though! Good thread.