I stumbled onto this site when I searched for a problem with my TJ by entering the problem in the Yahoo "search" blank. and have been finding myself here more+more since; it's addictive.
I am on several of the Mopar related sites (I'm a mod on the slant Six forum and Bionic Dodge) already; being on disability leaves me more (too much) time to be on the computer.
I have had a 93 YJ ( I built it from 2 YJs, one wrecked/one rotted out) with a 2.5, have done all the work on my brother's 92 YJ these last 10 years or so he's had it, also I still own a 97 TJ with a 4.0 and a 01 XJ also with a 4.0. Wanted to do a 318 swap into my 93 but ran into a "too many cars" situation (or so the wife said, anyway) so I sold that, when I brought the XJ home, 4 years ago. (XJ is wife's daily driver) When gas got high, I really didn't want a 4 cyl anything (that 1 YJ remains my only 4 cyl anything I've ever owned) but knew that my days of having all V8s were numbered; I LOVE the inline 6s!
Never have owned a FWD anything or any car not built by Chrysler either; hopefully never will either. I've had lots of /6s, 318s and 360s.
I prefer carburetors, to EFI; as long as they are NOT Holleys! I usually run Thermoquads and AFBs.
I'm a former ASE master tech, let my certifications run out when I got into industrial maintenance, was an "alignment guy/under-car tech" for 18 years. But now I'm on disability; I had a chain saw kick back on me in 9/07 doing some yard maintenance in my own front yard; very nearly cost me my right foot just above the ankle. I can again do most of what I used-to, but it takes me alot longer than it used to; which gets frustrating; it helps when I can get my 16 year old son out there to help; but that brings on another set of frustrations;
but being on disability that means fixed income; so that means maintaining what I have so it lasts as long as humanly possible; my own labor costs me $0, and since I still have many of my tools from being a pro "wrench" for 18 years and still having my "in's" with the parts houses so i can still get parts at wholesale I certainly can't afford "prevailing charges" these days. Even if a "couple hour" job takes ME a couple DAYS I dont care; I'm not on anyone's "flat rate" clock anymore. I'm "only" 41.
I try to help out on the forums with tech when I can, lotsa Qs I ask, pertain to not being "spoiled" and having access to a shop full of equip anymore here at home and sometimes forgetting the "old way" to check things out; right now I am working the "bugs" out of the Wrangler that you normally see in a vehicle that was parked for an extended time (Dr would not let me drive a stick) so I can go over the Cherokee and fix the quirks that develop just from having the snot run out of it; I live about an hour SW of Chicago. and I miss the "daily grind" of working in a professional garage. It drives me nuts when I can't be out in my own garage. I love doing the job, but hate the cleanup afterwards; wish I could hire-out, keeping the garage looking more like a garage than a "cave" or a "hole in a wall" where stuff gets shoved aside to make the room to fit a vehicle inside to be able to work on it; but being a personal, home garage ai know that would not be practical; so i guess I keep shoving stuff around
I am on several of the Mopar related sites (I'm a mod on the slant Six forum and Bionic Dodge) already; being on disability leaves me more (too much) time to be on the computer.
I have had a 93 YJ ( I built it from 2 YJs, one wrecked/one rotted out) with a 2.5, have done all the work on my brother's 92 YJ these last 10 years or so he's had it, also I still own a 97 TJ with a 4.0 and a 01 XJ also with a 4.0. Wanted to do a 318 swap into my 93 but ran into a "too many cars" situation (or so the wife said, anyway) so I sold that, when I brought the XJ home, 4 years ago. (XJ is wife's daily driver) When gas got high, I really didn't want a 4 cyl anything (that 1 YJ remains my only 4 cyl anything I've ever owned) but knew that my days of having all V8s were numbered; I LOVE the inline 6s!
Never have owned a FWD anything or any car not built by Chrysler either; hopefully never will either. I've had lots of /6s, 318s and 360s.
I prefer carburetors, to EFI; as long as they are NOT Holleys! I usually run Thermoquads and AFBs.
I'm a former ASE master tech, let my certifications run out when I got into industrial maintenance, was an "alignment guy/under-car tech" for 18 years. But now I'm on disability; I had a chain saw kick back on me in 9/07 doing some yard maintenance in my own front yard; very nearly cost me my right foot just above the ankle. I can again do most of what I used-to, but it takes me alot longer than it used to; which gets frustrating; it helps when I can get my 16 year old son out there to help; but that brings on another set of frustrations;
but being on disability that means fixed income; so that means maintaining what I have so it lasts as long as humanly possible; my own labor costs me $0, and since I still have many of my tools from being a pro "wrench" for 18 years and still having my "in's" with the parts houses so i can still get parts at wholesale I certainly can't afford "prevailing charges" these days. Even if a "couple hour" job takes ME a couple DAYS I dont care; I'm not on anyone's "flat rate" clock anymore. I'm "only" 41.
I try to help out on the forums with tech when I can, lotsa Qs I ask, pertain to not being "spoiled" and having access to a shop full of equip anymore here at home and sometimes forgetting the "old way" to check things out; right now I am working the "bugs" out of the Wrangler that you normally see in a vehicle that was parked for an extended time (Dr would not let me drive a stick) so I can go over the Cherokee and fix the quirks that develop just from having the snot run out of it; I live about an hour SW of Chicago. and I miss the "daily grind" of working in a professional garage. It drives me nuts when I can't be out in my own garage. I love doing the job, but hate the cleanup afterwards; wish I could hire-out, keeping the garage looking more like a garage than a "cave" or a "hole in a wall" where stuff gets shoved aside to make the room to fit a vehicle inside to be able to work on it; but being a personal, home garage ai know that would not be practical; so i guess I keep shoving stuff around