Replacement Top


New member

I need to purchase a new top for my wrangler. Does anyone have any suggestions on what is the best top? [addsig]


I assume your talking about a soft top... if so Bestop is good quality and seems to be the most popular, I have one, but it came with the jeep.[addsig]

I'm looking in to the same thing and the vote seems to be for the sailcloth material. and tinted if you want it...


Spend a little more and get a little more (quality that is )keep this in mind buy cheap get cheap replace soon. Not enough can be said the better tops are really better. Besttop makes the factory tops, according to the Jeep dealers by me. But the factory tops are the best tops by besttop - Does that make sense? I bought a cheap steel horse and wish I would have spend the extra $50 for a best top[addsig]


Go with a Bestop "sunrider", it is WELL worth the extra dollars. The flip back is nice on those fresh but still kinda chilly spring days...[addsig]

Check ebay. If you have a TJ, there are a few new ones that have never been used. The newer TJ's can be purchased with both tops, and some people keep the hardtop and sell the softtop. I just bought a new main top section for $175. The dealer sells for $600. I got lucky, but if you have the time its worth the searching.[addsig]