some idiot, and his lies

funny he wasnt on the moniter when his heart supposedly stopped and it seems unlikely it would show past heart rates
oh you didn't know that heart monitors can travel back in time and monitor a person's heart of any given moment in history?
my bud just got a lighting, he talked about it for several weeks like he had it and he just showed up at my house one day with a 2003 white lightning, you never kno.... its sick to say the least

I worked with a guy that used to BS us all the time. After he quit he came back to tell us he had a disease and only had about 6 months to live. He showed up again about 8 months later. When asked about his condition... I had a laser surgery performed. This guy was a tool. On a Friday night he was complaining of dizzyness and couldnt work. I told him to have a seat and I would see what I could do. I called his parents to come get him. Too dizzy to work, too dizzy to drive..if you ask me. When he heard his parents were on the way he was suddenly cured...ODD?
i worked with a kid who wanted work off on a friday once, so he came in work and then an hour later had his friend stop in and pretend that his washing machine was flooding the house. it didnt work