The OFFICIAL Random thread


OMG, what is the story behind that?

IIRC, the mullet-head was either a teacher or school board member, and the puncher was mad about something she said or did to her fat cow of a daughter (the blond behind the broadzilla that threw the punch).
Why is it I find overweight, middleaged, polyester wearing women punching someone so darn funny? What's wrong with me???
This is an official notice from Utah Jeep....
Yesterday nothing importaint happened.
Thank you this has been an official notice from Utah Jeeper, if this had not been an official notice, but a prank you would have still read it.

Thank you and good night....................

Now for something totaly diffrent

It's 12:08... Do YOU know where Roomba is?

it's in the computer room cleaning the floor...
Sing along with me.

Friday, Friday, Friday is my favorite day.

Friday, Friday, Friday is my favorite day.

Monday is a bummer.

Tuesday is a bear.

Wednesday's getting' better.

Thursday's almost there. But,

Friday, Friday, Friday is my favorite day.

Friday is my favorite, Friday is my favorite, Friday is my favorite day!
