The OFFICIAL Random thread

Finally... rain! 2 days of soaking rain and a couple sunny days to follow and I got to cut my lawn with the 0-turn :) :) :) :) :)

I, too, drink coffee no matter how hot it gets. There's always air conditioning to help me enjoy it.

For the LAST time.. Guns do NOT kill people! People with moustaches kill people.

P.S. I have 4 days off and an entire CASE of (stolen) wine!!!! :lol: Yea-UH!!
(don't ask....dats how we roll....)

Officer: "Ma'am, did you KNOW there was an open container law in the state of Pennsylvania?"

Me: "What??!! Oh, you are kidding me! I swear I didn't know that Officer. Shame on me. And DID YOU JUST CALL ME " Ma'am" ???!!!!!!!" :twisted:
Okay.. is NOTHING stinkin' sacred anymore???!!! How many of you know that Cookie Monster from Sesame Street is NO LONGER Cookie Monster??!! :x I can not believe that they changed him from the beloved Cookie Monster to the.... hope you are sitting down now...... they changed him to the Veggie Monster!

What the ??!! How in the world can you take an icon like Cookie and just decide one day that he is no longer Cookie Monster??!! It's like all of a sudden deciding that the Pope is no longer the Pope. He is going to be known and the "Grand Daddy Cat. Meister" or something like that.

It's insane! They said that he just doesn't set a good example for children. Simple as that! What is next? How many of you have been damaged by his habits?? It's a kids show for goodness sake. Cookie also ate plates, and frisbees and anything round too. I don't know of any kid that ever did that. I used to put pretzel sticks up my nose and snap 'em off.. and peanuts, too! I didn't learn that from any tv show... I came up with it all by myself!! It's no wonder I drive a Jeep now... all of us "special" people drive them. :D

What is wrong with society that everything has to be so correct? I hope they don't change Oscar The Grouch to ... Oscar the Slightly Miserable. It's just too weird.

They won't even let him sing his song... "C is for Cookie, dats good enough for meeeee!" Now he sings "C is for Cookie, eat them once in a while.." :purple:

WHAT THE HECK!!?? Eat them once in a while?? Have we gone mad?? :?|
Ya know.. I don't know if it's so correct for Bert and Ernie to be shackin' up either... I am sure they are on the top of the list for a re-vamp.

I happened to catch Sesame Street the other morning when I was channel surfing.. I watched a few minutes of it.... Guy Smiley, the news guy... was donning a long braided Rapunzel wig. What the heck? I think Cookie is the least of the goofy things on there.
I noticed at the end when it says "Sesame Street has been brought to you today by...." it said "Season's Best Organic Foods". WHAT??!! Oh brother! How times have changed. When I was little, I think the sponsor was Marlboro. HA! :purple: Mr. Hooper and my boy Gordon used to smoke cigs on the Sesame "stoop". Okay.. maybe they didn't. But it's just strange how things are today. Some things you just don't mess with. Sesame Street is one. ;)
I bought a "4-pack" of old Looney Toons cartoon CD's..........watching one last night - Daffy Duck got his beak blown off at least 5 times - point blank with a shotgun......................I don't think it adversely affected me. Baby boomers suck when it comes to being'd think we would know better.