So this guy got sent to prison.
first time in the joint and scared to death.
his first night in the cell, his bunk mate never spoke a word to him, at lights out, he was feeling real bad.
All was quiet, then he heard a voice down the row shout out "75!" and everyone burst out laughing... and after a minute, .... all quiet again.
About 5 minutes go by and another voice yells "34!" Again with the laughing, all up and down the cells
The new guy finally leans over his bunk and says to his cell mate, hey what gives with the numbers and laughing?
His cell mate explained that in prison, they had all of the jokes memorized and numbered and to save time, if you wanted to tell a joke, just call out the number assigned to it instead.
OK, he thought, maybe I'll tell a few and the other inmates might think I'm funny and not give me a hard time in here.
He lays there, thinking, and then he yelled out "17!".... nothing, silence.
He thought to himself, man, maybe that was a bad joke, or maybe racial.
Oh crap!
He thought about it and decided to try another one, to smooth over the last failed attempt.
He yelled out " 65!" again, nothing.. just silence.
After a few minutes of really sweating it out, he leaned over and ask his cell mate, what was wrong with the jokes he chose, I mean, nobody laughed.
His cell mate answered back.... "Well.... some people can tell a joke, and some people can't"