To those that are married..

Skiing at Lake Tahoe. I sucked at skiing, but was great at drinking Crown in the hot tub. Next time we go back, I'm going to have the Jeep shipped out. The Rubicon is across the lake.

On an semi-unrelated note; we got a new girl at work awhile back, she just moved into her appartment a couple of weeks ago. The other day she said that she had been enjoying the hot tub at her complex, but for some reason the chemicals that they treat the water with smell really strong of urine. I nearly puked in my mouth a little, regained my composure, then explained to her that it should not smell like urine...
OutOfStep said:
On an semi-unrelated note; we got a new girl at work awhile back, she just moved into her appartment a couple of weeks ago. The other day she said that she had been enjoying the hot tub at her complex, but for some reason the chemicals that they treat the water with smell really strong of urine. I nearly puked in my mouth a little, regained my composure, then explained to her that it should not smell like urine...

OutOfStep said:
On an semi-unrelated note; we got a new girl at work awhile back, she just moved into her appartment a couple of weeks ago. The other day she said that she had been enjoying the hot tub at her complex, but for some reason the chemicals that they treat the water with smell really strong of urine. I nearly puked in my mouth a little, regained my composure, then explained to her that it should not smell like urine...

I will never again check jeepz while eating breakfast. You sir have just made me waste half a bagel.

judge09 said:
I will never again check jeepz while eating breakfast. You sir have just made me waste half a bagel.

Just half? I'll just have to try harder next time :lol:
Way to go OutOfStep you just killed the mood of this post!
I was going to post how my wife and drove the PHC #1 With no reservations nor plans...we went from San Diego all the way to B.C. over two weeks.
It was spontaneous and adventitious. With no pressure we would stop at remote places and just sit and talk. That is why I love my wife Jill.
Life is an adventure...face it with some one who loves a adventure as well

sorry Utah, you know how it is... I always get this absurd and uncontrollable urge to make armpit farts during the mushy parts of chick flicks, I think it's some type of syndrome or something :lol:

She's not blond but she's young and has never strayed too far from home so she's not had a chance to expierience the world. I'll get her straightened out though, she's a tree hugger, I've been working on getting her to buy a gun (I think you legally have to in Arizona to get an instate drivers license :lol:) and take some courses at the range, and last weekend she actually went shooting for the first time. She also thinks she wants one of those Paul Hogan station wagons, I'm working on converting her to Jeeps.
what do you guys enjoy? search on google for what places offer the most/best in what yall enjoy doing together, or perhaps something you guys did as a first date or something significant early in the relationship

On the honeymoon we enjoyed staying in a cabin on the edge of the ocean, it's always nice and cool in Sequim, you can get close without being sticky. Victoria was full of romantic places to visit and dine, Buchardt Gardens was awesome. Really the best part was just each other's company as we drove the area and visited all the little burgs on the way with no real plan or goal.

I enjoy playing air hockey with my wife, it's about the only skill game that I'm not excessively competative at, I usually let her win but she doesn't know; she's always so cute when she's talkin smack after winning.

I'm pretty boring I guess, I've always just enjoyed the company of my wife; the scenery and activity may change but it's being with her that's important. Thats how you get a hillbilly from the down in the holler re-located to the middle of Phoenix. That's also how you get a 270lb 6'3" tattoo'd hillbilly to hang out in a craft store for hours on end. :lol:
Wade said:
i know i know. im not married yet, but for our honeymoon we are gonna go backpacking / camping through Europe.

We haven't officially decided that yet, you know.
yeah, we were thinking of doing something a little more adventurous together, aka, staying in hostels and eating the food and trekking here and there. It's a good idea, but it can be expensive.