Topics in this forum


New member
We have had some seriously wild discussion in this forum lately. Some very passionate debates, too! As much as I've enjoyed them I cannot help but to think how I see some serious tension and keyboard rage as a result. I frequent this site because I love Jeeps, I really enjoy the character of this forum, and I've learned an incredible amount of Jeep stuff on here.

I've been a big catalyst in many of these debates, so this may seem a bit strange coming from me, but I miss just sticking to jeeps and an occaisional off topic. I'm gonna avoid the op/ed column for a while and enjoy this site the way it was made to be enjoyed. If you find yourself getting stressed out by reading political/religious/whatever topics, do yourself a favor and click to another topic. I know I'm going to. I'd hate to see anybody else leave the forum like Inspector Gadget and Glass79CJ5Dude have!

If you're still enjoying these threads then enjoy yourself, but these topics have been taking a time that I use to relax and getting me all stressed out, so don't be surprised when I don't go off on my rants in that area anymore --(loud applause from the liberals)-- hehehe


i can see where you are at... though... i LOVE to discuss opposing views... and will continue to put in what i have to put in... these topics are not arguments, and there are no winners/losers to each discussion... everyone is simply sharing their own views... anyone who gets upset or enraged from such should not be interacting with people in the first place
Snitty said:
anyone who gets upset or enraged from such should not be interacting with people in the first place

I shouldn't be interacting with other people because I have emotions???

Tough crowd. LOL

I enjoy this whole website. Much like our discussions about free speech, if you dont like the general discussion threads stick to the jeep only forums. I think its great that this website can be a jeep inspired community website ready to discuss all aspects of life. What a great site.
Just to clarify:
I'm not saying they shouldn't be discussed, they should be. I personally want to refrain for a while, and suggest that anybody who may get upset or irritated just click something else instead of getting all worked up about something that everyone will always have different views on.

I shouldn't be interacting with other people because I have emotions???
nope... not what i mean... I have emotions as well... but... these discussions should not strike emotions... if a person is unable to distinguish emotional attacks vs. opposing views.. then they should stay away from other people, because no matter who anyone interacts with, there will be opposing views, always... emotions and opinions are two different concepts

there is not even one small fraction of a microscopic crum of a reason for anyone to get upset over the fact that someone else thinks different ideas from them.

what i meant was that if someone gets upset or enraged over the fact that someone else doesn't think JUST like them... then they have a personal issue with their emotions, and are assuming that an opposing view is an attack... which in no way is it
though.. don't think i'm saying YOU have issues... i realize that you simply want to refrain from the possibility of someone getting emotions confused with opinions... and that you miss the jeep side of the general discussion... understood all the way
I love that we can have those types of discussions here. I love the jeep discussions but I enjoy hearing and talking about other things as well. It doesn't always have to be Jeep related. If someone wants to post that they saw a great movie recently, or that they broke up with their girlfriend/boyfriend or that they don't like what is going on in a certain part of the world, I think that is GREAT. We have a place here for the Jeep talk and we have this one called 'General Chat' which I take to mean we can discuss anything and everything including Jeeps if we want.

But, I'm with you TC. After the Free Speach thread, I found myself getting too involved and needed to back off from the serious threads. I do enjoy reading them but I don't have the emotional energy or time to include my opinions. There is already enough going on in my life right now.

Carry on with the excellent threads! :D

AM I HAPPY YOU SAID THAT! I had a retort all ready on the "If the election were held today" thread. But you are right TC, while those threads are great, they take a lot of energy don't they??

I found myself doing research last night and I thought to myself, "holy crap I'm tired."

The fact that you disagree with me, and that we've had some AWESOME and intellectual debates, yet can keep it "Emotion" free (with the exception of some good spirited quips) make you a worthy opponent. I appreciate your thoughts, and everyone elses and have learned from them. I hope you all have taken some from me as well.

Hell, I think you and I have become much better friends as a result of our differences. Weird eh??

But the last few posts have been draining at best.

I'll post one more time, just to make a small point about economics/taxes issue (only cause I already did the research) and then retire from the thread. For real this time, I promise!

I too will chime in from time to time, but not as much as I have been. Back to JEEPZ topics, and learning as much as I can!!!!

---Ian, aka Mingez
I love having political discussions, theres always the chance to enlighten someone else or to be enlightened yourself by someone elses point of view. However its always edgy, never know whether someone will take a debate as a personal attack or not. Personally I never mean anything as a personal attack, just debating. I come from a long line of small farm dem's and love them all...even if they are all crazy :wink: ...Its nice to have a mix of topics. I love talking and reading about all things jeep, but occasionally its nice to get into issues that are on the periphery of jeeping, but related none the less.
I personally love reading and responding to topics that aren't necessarily about jeeps on here... it just shows that even though we're all completely different and have opinions at all ends of the spectrum we can still get together and help each other out with jeep problems and respect each other's love for the greatest suv ever made... :D

its been a while, but im back, least for now

we should start a thread on whether Jeeps are SUV's or not :wink:

As I sit here reading this thread and many more along this line, I often wonder what draws us here...
We are bound together in a strange way, we all own and love jeeps. But we take a bit more time off the Jeeping subject to do these off topic posts. Your hobbies, the 20 questions one.
Why ? Why do we do this ? Because we are all broke from owning the said, and have nothing better to do?
No, it's because we value each others opinions and would like to get to know each of us much better. But why is that? If I pass you in the shopping mall I wouldnt know you from adam or Eve and probely wouldnt care either. But if you wore a hat or name a badge saying snitty,minges, or out of step I would stop you and we would have a three hour chat about everything! Why because we know each other here by those names and count each of you as friends. The internet allows us to meet people all over this world who share a common our case Jeep's. As we get to know each others strengths and abilities we also want to get to know the person behind the name. There opinions and such. This general chat forum is just the place. And those topics we throw out is an invatation to exchange diffrent ideas. We want to hear them and discuss them or why else would we start the post? That is being human...but entering into one is tricky. It takes a very mature human to be willing to argue a point without getting emotional about it. So far I have seen all mature humans here and respect every one of you. Cuddles! I would be proud to wheel with each and every one of you and time.
And please...I still want to hear your opinion as well.
Scoots the soap box back into the corner and puts on the rain coat.. ok folks you can throw the rooten veggies now :D

TwistedCopper said:
yeah well put! But I'm still keepin away from politics for my blood pressure's sake! LOL

I second that TC!
I quit smoking, and was very tempted to start. LOL!

Utah, very good post. I think I am going to get a hat that says: "Mingez". :lol: That would be a great idea, Jeepz hats with internet name logo'd on the side, for when we do run into eachother. Someday I'll meet all of you.

Possible meet and greet scenarios:
I'll meet TC at a Green Peace convention,
Laura an Johnny at a Red Sox world series victory party
Lady Jeep Freak at my friends wedding in Maryland
Tug and South442 in downtown Manhattan (I know how y'all love the City)
Snitty in a Brewery
Ah too bad, and chug n sudz at A.A. (when I check myself in)
Lanieac, Sully and CaliYJgirl on the East Coast. (the left coast is the best coast)
L33TJ33P and Purpleygirl computer convention.
Hee Hee heheheheehehee!! JK. :lol:

We really do need to get the J Higgins Memorial Jeep Run going though.