water pump, electric fan, and hero day


New member

well.. the water pump has been going on me... she's been leaking fluid for about a week. I decided to change it today. and to change it, You have to take the fan off, and the shroud... So I decided to keep that fan off and go with an electric. So... off to autozone I go... the first time there, I priced the pump, so i could go get some money... $34 is not bad... So i told them to keep one for me. I went and got the money, came back... and I happened to see a cherokee 4.0 with the hood up... In the recent years, I've grown to know my 4.0 inside and out.. so I went to see what was up... He was trying to rig up a hose to fit his pcv system.... Well, guess who just happened to have one in his back end... I gave him the one I took off a while back, that I had saved to hook to my funnel to fill gas from a can... There was my good hero work for the day...

After I got the pump, I called my mechanic buddy and asked if he had a fan laying around... well.. he just happened to have one from a car he just pulled apart... WOOHOO!!! can't beat a free fan... I went to the hardware store, bought some wire, a relay, a fuse, and some metal for brackets... It was about 5:00 by then, and I decided I would just do the fan today and forget about the pump until tomorrow... So, I pulled off the fan and shroud... and hey... there was the water pump, beggin to come out.. so I couldn't let her down... I swapped her for the new one... boy was that a green wet mess... no problems though, REALLY easy change.

After that, I hooked up the fan.. it worked well... then made up some brackets out of some aluminum channels... then tossed her in there at the best possible location... Then I found a keyed power source in the fuse box, hooked that to my relay, supplied some power, turned the key.. WHOOOOOOOOOSSSSSHHHHH... yup, i like that.... I have it hooked so it's always running at all times with the motor. started the ol'moter up... and she was nice and air supplied... All in all.. a good day with the wrenches...

Then I went and had to road test it... Yup, its true what they say... I unleashed a good 10-20 horses by losing that clutch fan. On the road, starts are a lot easier, less feathering of the clutch.. and uphill... wow... there is where I notice it all... she likes to climb more now.... I would suggest the electric fan swap to everyone here.. especially those of you with the 4 cyl... Hit up a junk yard, and get yourself an elecrtic fan, the highest CFM possible... you won't be sorry.. trust me[addsig]


Electric fan. May work in a 4cyl, but not in the 6'ers. "Been there tried that" didnt' keep cool over 20mph. Now, this was a spanking new 3 core radiator, an 18" electric fan, (it covered 85% of the radiator!) it was a "puller" I ended up getting a flex fan, and have had no cooling system problems since. An electric fan is a good idea for secondary cooling though!
Hey, anything you can do to help out them 4 bangers, I'm all for it! :-D

Depends on the electric fan, some work better than others and CFM isn´t the only factor. I´ve used the electric out of a 150 MPH BMW with air conditioning, on numerous applications. It has two speeds fast and supersonic, the fan is engineered to work at high speeds. I´ve managed to pick up a few between $25 and $35 at the pick and pull. I imagine, the electric fan, from most European cars, with a large six or a V-8, will keep the Jeep six supplied with air.
For some reason push fans seem to work better than pull fans, guess it has something to do with the turbulance of the air after it has passed through the radiator. I´ve had to move the radiator back towards the engine a couple of times for clearance, for a push fan. But still had plenty of clearance between the radiator and water pump pulley, without the mechanical fan and shroud.
I´ve used flex fans on occasion, but stopped using them for off road applications. If a flex fan slaps the mud or water, when you get in a little to deep, it can deform the fan (bend/destroy) causeing possible radiator damage.

edited by: MudderChuck, May 10, 2003 - 01:51 AM[addsig]


yeah... i went on a good hard test drive tonight... I did everything from idling, to highway driving, to low speed/high rpm (high temp) driving... i've held the throttle a ways at rest.... the temperature NEVER reached the point it was always at while driving with the clutch fan... and my radiator is even covered with mud... so that cuts the air flow down... so i am quite pleased with it... and the power is quite present... even with a dry-mud-covered air filter which i am amazed that air can even get through... i'll have to clean that soon.[addsig]

snitty, I'm planning the same mod.

Would an inline switch make it easier
to "Ford". (cut the fan in deep water)
turn her back on,. on the dry side?

any extra thoughts any of you have
will help ..[addsig]

definitely want to hook it to a relay... its not really safe to have all that current running to a switch inside, back and forth, up and down, and all over... I haven't yet hooked it up to a switch, but certainly am going to... it will help warm up better in the winter, and will help in different offroad conditions[addsig]


you paid a lilttle much for that water pump i only paid 22 for mine and it was also at autozone[addsig]

hmmm... could be a different brand... its still not a bad price either way.. nothing i'm gonna complain about... but i got the fan for free, thats cool[addsig]