What President Bush's reply to Cindy Sheehan should say.

Re: RE: What President Bush

TwistedCopper said:
Secondly there is not a fear, but a reality that there is a portion of the world that hates us. I am sure that I am not the only person that watched the films of several Arab nations rejoicing and dancing in the streets as they heard of and/or watched the towers fall in NYC. As for our leadership not being sensitive to that I am thankful. Responding to that action is not bullying, it is a response to bullying, which in my book does not call for talking.

Lastly, Peace? Peace on Earth is a nice concept, but that is all it will ever be so long as there are varying motives and beliefs in this world. That's the way is was, the way it is, and the way it will always be. The truth isn't always pretty but that is the truth. Many times these variances can be resolved, but not always and then there is conflict - be it financial, social, or physical. As for nuclear weapons, and our "idiot" (see above post) That statement was just plain nonsense.

Twisted- I can't blame him either, or anyone else who has been through it. I can't help but think that peace WAS attainable at some point in this worlds history, at least some form of peace. Maybe not WORLD PEACE as beauty pagent contestants term it but some kind of peace where nations aren't seeking out other nations to destroy.

I would never say that 9/11 wasn't any reason to react. That was surely a massive loss on U.S soil and if we had verifiable proof against the perpetrator than I'm all for action. However, I can't see how the war in Iraq is completely due to this verifiable proof of 9/11 perpatrators. Not at this point or this time. I can understand why he chose to send us in but there was a point (way back) when like many people I think we should have pulled out.

I also feel it is unrealistic to keep mentioning Arabians dancing in the streets at 9/11. Do you not think that there are people in America dancing in the streets as we knock down Arabians, man woman and child? I am sure the average hardworking concientious American isn't but I am just as sure that someone is. I'm sure there are as many crazy hateful Americans as their ar Arabians. I'm sure I know some myself even if I chose not to think about it or talk about it with them on a regular basis. Of course, we don't put that in the media here and never will.

Anyway, I have views on the war as everyone does but what REALLY bothers me is the time were spending AWAY from caring for OUR OWN COUNRY and it's people. That is what is crumbling down around us and someday they will see it and I fear too late. Sure the economy is good if your upper class. Sure people are getting educated every day across the nation, if your upper class or willing to go in debt for the rest of your living life. Sure people are pumping that three dollar a gallon gas while thinking how am I going to survive another week on this wage and support my family at our current style of living?

There are so so so many things right here in our contry that need serious attention and funds, just a short list would be:

1. the supply/demand of crude oil
2. the rising cost (and lack of quality) of education (of all ages)
3. border control (just WHO is getting in this country and what is their intent here?)
4. criminal laws (or the lack thereof)
5. mental and special needs americans (special needs are not the welfare crowd)
6. speaking of welfare, lets re-evaluate that as well (who REALLY needs it)
7. environmental concerns (earths atmosphere being thin as an eggshell and what will be do for materials once the natural resources are gone-where is the development of affordable solutions for the average american?)
8. social security (where are the funds going to be provided and how long can we expect it to be available?)
9. Economy-Jobs and Pay (are we creating jobs and/or deleting them every day? Pay rates-are they matching the cost of living or staying stagnant?)

Anyway, I know we get heated on here at times believing in the things we do and expressing them. I still am glad that there are people who care enough to discuss and write these posts out. On occasion when I really do have time to read, I do like to write on these types of posts and sometimes ..... just sometimes they help me to see the other side of the fence.

P.S. I do not agree with what Cindy is doing and I wish we would keep these posts LESS PERSONAL. It's only fair.

P.S.S I claim no IQ level and/or hope I'm not as stupid as some think I am. Please excuse my spelling errors. I'm working 70 hours a week now and am too darn tired to spell check by hand. Thank You and Good Night.

RE: Re: RE: What President Bush




RE: Re: RE: What President Bush

LadyJeepFreak said:



:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: RE: Re: RE: What President Bush

Just to clarify Lady, I was referring to action taken after 9/11... Afghanistan. The author didn't name IRAQ specifically. It may surprise you but although I was all for going into Afghanistan, I have always had mixed feelings about going into Iraq... this time. We should have finished Saddam and his cronies after Desert Storm. Lesson learned, but we are there now. Simply pulling out the troops isn't as easy as it sounds, it would have us leaving that country in worse hands and it could become a much bigger threat to it's surrounding countries. This would not be good for us, Iraq, or their neighbors. Unfortunately we will be there a long time, and this would be the case even if John Kerry, Bush, or even Hillary Clinton were president (perish the thought :lol: )

By the way, I am all about fixing our own backyard first ;)

I especially like #1 and 3, but would like to ammend #4 to include the word "ENFORCE". Laws we don't need - actually enforcing the ones we have would be a good start.

RE: Is it the stoopid BBD carb?

TwistedCopper said:
By the way,

Sparky-Watts said:

it's always good to know I can comment on this site and get a mature, educated comment in return.

Yeah, I thought that was pretty funny, too! :lol:
Re: RE: What President Bush

TwistedCopper said:
I am not comparing IQ to academia. IQ is being compared to test scores in that report. I am not going to state my IQ, but I will say that my grades never reflected it. I hated the classroom environment and that had nothing to do with my intelligence.

Well ignore Sailer's report, read the links he provides. It's all there. As for Bush's records, I was referring to academic TEST SCORES. We can get further and further off topic and heck we can even have a recount of ballots if you want...

My point exactly. How anyone can claim to know Bush or Kerry's IQ simply from looking at their academic test scores is beyond me, beyond science. An IQ test is a specially designed combination of tests that target critical thinking, problem solving, spatial cognizance, and other aspects of the brain.

I took my first IQ test at the age of 7 and scored 137. Later in life, at the age of 15 I took a second IQ test and scored 141. That shows you that it has absolutely nothing to do with academic test scores. If that were the case, my first IQ test should have registered below mental retardation level of 69.

So, if you want to say that Bush did better in school than Kerry, or vice versa, that's fine. My point is that it's ignorant to claim to know which one is actually smarter. Hell, my last two years of high school I had a D average, but up to that point I was a straight A student. Why? Because I partied too much and didn't give a shite about school. So, comparing my test scores those last two years to another student who struggled to make a C, you would say I had the lower IQ. Not a fair assessment.
mingez said:
TwistedCopper said:
We can get further and further off topic and heck we can even have a recount of ballots if you want...

LOL, can we?

Yeah, some hijack. Sorry South! [/url]

Hey, this is exactly what I figured would happen. It had been awhile since we had some good arguments and I enjoy reading and hearing both sides of the fence. Good points are always brought up by many people.

1994 Cherokee Country For Sale

I personally think that the war in Iraq is a good cause. If those kind of attrocities were happening here I'd want someone to step in and help us. I do think that perhaps Bush doesn't have good speach writers. If he did then he probably wouldn't sound so much like he doesn't have a clue. On the same note I also believe that he probably can't be held totally responsible for all that has happened since we know he hasn't received the best of intellegence reports. That being said.....absolutely none of the American public who haven't been deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq is qualified to have an opinion on state of affairs over there since we all get our info from the media. And the only thing you'll ever hear from them is how bad the situation is and about all of the mistakes that have been made. Maybe once in a while some good news will happen, but it will be run one time and never heard about again. But let one man make a mistake and it will be the news topic for a week, have book written about it, and be made into an ABC Monday night drama or a P.O.S. movie that only serves to further our discontent for everything Bush.
And since I am one of those who haven't been deployed to either country I too belong in that group of uninformed citizens. However, as some of you know I will be joining the party shortly and perhaps my views may change upon my return. I seriously doubt that, but we shall see. Until then I will try to let you all know what it is truly like over there. From what I've heard from my brothers in arms is that the American forces are considered to be true heroes by the Iraqi people. That's all for now.
RE: Steering like a go cart

Sparky-Watts said:
TwistedCopper said:
I am not comparing IQ to academia. IQ is being compared to test scores in that report. I am not going to state my IQ, but I will say that my grades never reflected it. I hated the classroom environment and that had nothing to do with my intelligence.

Well ignore Sailer's report, read the links he provides. It's all there. As for Bush's records, I was referring to academic TEST SCORES. We can get further and further off topic and heck we can even have a recount of ballots if you want...

My point exactly. How anyone can claim to know Bush or Kerry's IQ simply from looking at their academic test scores is beyond me, beyond science. An IQ test is a specially designed combination of tests that target critical thinking, problem solving, spatial cognizance, and other aspects of the brain.

I took my first IQ test at the age of 7 and scored 137. Later in life, at the age of 15 I took a second IQ test and scored 141. That shows you that it has absolutely nothing to do with academic test scores. If that were the case, my first IQ test should have registered below mental retardation level of 69.

So, if you want to say that Bush did better in school than Kerry, or vice versa, that's fine. My point is that it's ignorant to claim to know which one is actually smarter. Hell, my last two years of high school I had a D average, but up to that point I was a straight A student. Why? Because I partied too much and didn't give a shite about school. So, comparing my test scores those last two years to another student who struggled to make a C, you would say I had the lower IQ. Not a fair assessment.

You completely misunderstood my point. I agreed with you that grades from schools are a poor way to measure intelligence. My point was to clarify that although I had downright poor grades, it was a result of me not doing homework. I always aced tests. Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery and SAT scores were outstanding. TESTS are what that study was comparing, not GPA.

YOu can prove little from academic grades, because those who struggle can devote alot of time and do well. Tests, however, will reveal if knowledge and intelligence is there. THis is why I explained that this whole thing was based on TESTS NOT GRADES FROM SCHOOLS.
possible axle swap candidates

I can’t help but wonder why the IQs of Kerry and Bush are being argued before the debate has raged as regards correlation of IQ and past academic achievement as reliable predictors of performance as President of the United States of America.

Is there an unstated, possibly elitist and certainly unsupportable assumption at work?

It would be nice if someone were to state why IQ and/or academic performance is a reliable predictor of presidential effectiveness and to prove that assertion with real (as opposed to Internet) historical data.

Without that debate, the issue of the supposed native intelligence and academic performance of Bush and Kerry is nothing more than an academic curiosity.

The US of A has been around for a while. Long enough to have had presidents who ranged from dunce to genius.

As it turns out, some of the dunces were effective presidents. Some of the braniacs were miserable failures as president.

Go figure! Presidents are just like all the other people you know.


Your knows a “red herring” (Ignoratio elenchi) argument when he sees one, Gadget

TwistedCopper said:
YOu can prove little from academic grades, because those who struggle can devote alot of time and do well. Tests, however, will reveal if knowledge and intelligence is there. THis is why I explained that this whole thing was based on TESTS NOT GRADES FROM SCHOOLS.

No, tests will not reveal if knowledge and intelligence is there. Nor will they reveal IQ. That is my point that you are missing. Your original statement as to one or the other having a higher IQ is what I'm talking about. Without verifiable IQ TESTS ADMINISTERED BY A TRAINED PSYCHOLOGIST, your statement has absolutely no basis in truth. I aced tests all through high school and college, but that knowledge is certainly not there now, regardless of my IQ. Taking tests to get through school for the most part is simply ingesting a textbook and regurgitating it back onto paper, nothing more. Once it's spat up on paper, it is gone.

Now, where are the actual certified, verifiable results of the actual IQ tests administered to Bush and Kerry on which you base your statement? Still waiting.
Re: RE: What President Bush

Inspector-Gadget said:
As it turns out, some of the dunces were effective presidents. Some of the braniacs were miserable failures as president.

Go figure! Presidents are just like all the other people you know.
Good point, Jimmy Carter being a prime example of the highly intelligent failure.

Albeit it a trivial discussion, I am tired of the "Bush is a stupid idiot" bandwagon and felt the need to comment. It's just more of the same tired drum beat we've heard since he first ran for the office.


Charlton Heston For President!
XJ Power

When you interview someone, what do you look for? Good communication skills? Poise under questioning. Articulate speech? If he has none of the above qualities, and has a Harvard degree, I don't care if he's number one in his class, he's not hired.

I'm not willing to risk my paycheck and my well being on a guy that hasn't any of those qualities. Why? (He's certainly qualified on paper.) Because the job requires those qualities. The job also requires extensive knowledge in economics, geography and history. C-, F- and D+.

I grow tired of the "Bush isn't as stupid as he seems bandwagon." Maybe intellect isn't the only criteria by which a man should be judged. But it's certainly one of them.

And I'm definetly over the whole, "criticize Iraq, and GW, and you're not a patriot attitude plaguing and polarizing our country." That's the nationalistic type thinking process which zombiefied the Germans during WW2. No, the GOP aren't Nazi's and never will be. But we are a thinking man's country. Speak out. Yes, this right has been won on the blood of many fallen soldiers, so let's excercise it! Don't let it go to waste. Practice being American. The time to excercise one's opinion doesn't end with the ballot box!

I'm growing tired of the "He's just like us" bandwagon. Presidents shouldn't be average or below average. Average for the most important of offices is unacceptable. Excuse me, but I happen to think that we need to hold the Pres to a higher standard. His ideals, and his desire to push his dreams of theocratic government are backwards and ridiculous and shining examples that his ignorance knows no bounds. Fundamentally unsound. The Hate Amendment" as unAmerican as it gets. "Liberty and justice for straight people?"
Intelligent design, the latest of salad bar compromises from that side of the fence. I say, It's not okay to say, "the US government prefers that you to believe this way."

All things being equal, would you bet your money on the dunce? Neither would I. And nor am I going to start putting little stars on the applications of the guys who can't even complete a sentence intelligently during an interview. I'll admit it, GW is NOT as stupid as people make him out to be. But, he's not right for the job, and he too gets NO gold star.
clocking dana 300

Mingez wrote:
But, he's not right for the job, and he too gets NO gold star

You know, I had a similar distaste for Bill Clinton when he held office for 8 years. Heck, I even remember wearing a black armband to work the day after the first election. It wasn't that "Slick Willie" wasn't smart...oh he is way smart, in fact it is a shame how intelligent he is/was and wasted the talent chasing arse. I just knew in my heart that what he lacked was the high moral character I felt that was needed in the White House. But you know, although I voted against him, I had to accept the fact that he was the elected president for that term. Whatever you feel Bush is lacking(I feel he sucks on immigration and support for Israel) that is your right, it is also your patriotic duty to accept his presidency, be critical only if you voted, and plan how your party is going to take back the majority next time. Although with loons out there like Pelosi and Dean, I wish you lots of luck.... :lol: :lol: JK JK

90Xjay said:
be critical only if you voted, and plan how your party is going to take back the majority next time. Although with loons out there like Pelosi and Dean, I wish you lots of luck.... :lol: :lol: JK JK
Yeah and the likes if Dick Durban aren't helping them much. Well they always have Hillary 8) 8) :lol: :lol:

Sparky-Watts said:
No, tests will not reveal if knowledge and intelligence is there. Nor will they reveal IQ. That is my point that you are missing. Your original statement as to one or the other having a higher IQ is what I'm talking about. Without verifiable IQ TESTS ADMINISTERED BY A TRAINED PSYCHOLOGIST, your statement has absolutely no basis in truth.

So, the only way to measure someone's intelligence would be if they had an IQ test by a shrink? Interesting statement there. So, that would mean we will never know if, say, Thomas Jefferson was an intelligent man or a dolt... really, we can only speculate because there is no record of his shrink-administered IQ test. Nor any other brilliant mind from our past where there is no proof by your standard.

Well I think that is very obtuse and just plain silly. Or, is it a determined and dire effort to disbelieve the truth? You see, there are many things in this world which can be an indicator of intelligence. Fortunately you have posted your IQ score because you have not shown me any of these indications otherwise. So rest assured, we now know you are a relatively intelligent man despite your continual posts that argure in circles and include personal jabs. Then again, I may need proof it was administered by a psychologist. The same test given by a regular old teacher would not be accurate.

Sparky-Watts said:
Now, where are the actual certified, verifiable results of the actual IQ tests administered to Bush and Kerry on which you base your statement? Still waiting.

Well Sparky, His SAT scores and his Military battery scores are apparently not good enough. The fact that he flew a fighter Jet for the service is not good enough for Mingez. The fact that he graduated from Yale and has an MBA from Harvard is not enough so...

I'm going to conclude that some people you just can't please. Go ahead and dismiss the statement. Go ahead and live the rest of your life living under the spell you are under. It is a powerful one.
Re: RE: What President Bush

mingez said:
When you interview someone, what do you look for? Good communication skills? Poise under questioning. Articulate speech? If he has none of the above qualities, and has a Harvard degree, I don't care if he's number one in his class, he's not hired.

I'm not willing to risk my paycheck and my well being on a guy that hasn't any of those qualities. Why? (He's certainly qualified on paper.) Because the job requires those qualities. The job also requires extensive knowledge in economics, geography and history. C-, F- and D+.

I grow tired of the "Bush isn't as stupid as he seems bandwagon." Maybe intellect isn't the only criteria by which a man should be judged. But it's certainly one of them.

And I'm definetly over the whole, "criticize Iraq, and GW, and you're not a patriot attitude plaguing and polarizing our country." That's the nationalistic type thinking process which zombiefied the Germans during WW2. No, the GOP aren't Nazi's and never will be. But we are a thinking man's country. Speak out. Yes, this right has been won on the blood of many fallen soldiers, so let's excercise it! Don't let it go to waste. Practice being American. The time to excercise one's opinion doesn't end with the ballot box!

I'm growing tired of the "He's just like us" bandwagon. Presidents shouldn't be average or below average. Average for the most important of offices is unacceptable. Excuse me, but I happen to think that we need to hold the Pres to a higher standard. His ideals, and his desire to push his dreams of theocratic government are backwards and ridiculous and shining examples that his ignorance knows no bounds. Fundamentally unsound. The Hate Amendment" as unAmerican as it gets. "Liberty and justice for straight people?"
Intelligent design, the latest of salad bar compromises from that side of the fence. I say, It's not okay to say, "the US government prefers that you to believe this way."

All things being equal, would you bet your money on the dunce? Neither would I. And nor am I going to start putting little stars on the applications of the guys who can't even complete a sentence intelligently during an interview. I'll admit it, GW is NOT as stupid as people make him out to be. But, he's not right for the job, and he too gets NO gold star.

What you fail to realize Mingez, is that your opinions on him, his beleifs, and his policy are just that - YOUR opinions. They are not everyone else's or even the majority. Close maybe, but certainly not during the last election. I happen to agree with the man on many points, and I think it's funny the way you liberals (yeah, I know, I said "you liberals" :oops: ) take him for stupid because he does not agree with your liberal beliefs as if you all are the standard for intelligence. It is rather arrogant and sad at the same time. This country was built on those beleifs, the foundation of our country was written by men with those beliefs, and I feel when men like that have disappeared from higher offices then we will be in desperate times. This is how I feel, what I believe, and how I vote. I guess that is stupid to many of you but when I vote for someone with those ideals, I expect him to execute his duties with them.
cj parts needed

Mingez wrote:

When you interview someone, what do you look for? Good communication skills? Poise under questioning. Articulate speech? If he has none of the above qualities, and has a Harvard degree, I don't care if he's number one in his class, he's not hired.


Using that quality-of-people yardstick, the following people – all with speech defects -- would have been relegated to the junkpile of humanity by Mingez:




Roman Emperor, Claudias


Isaac Newton

Charles Canon Kingsley

Cotton Mather

Lewis Carroll

Charles Darwin

Alan Touring – Computer Pioneer

Marilyn Monroe (Woo-Hoo)

Lord David Cecil

Winston Churchill

Somerset Maugham

Bruce Willis - Actor

James Earl Jones - Actor

John Stossel – 20/20 Reporter

Mel Tillis – Country Singer

Julia Roberts – Actress (Woo-Hoo)

Robert Merrill – Opera Star

Jimmy Stewart - Actor

Bob Newhart - Comedian

Carly Simon – Singer (Woo-Hoo)

Andrew Lloyd Weber

Senator, Joseph Biden

Walter Wriston – Citibank

John Scully – Apple Computer

Jack Welch – General Electric

Jimmy – South Park

Porky Pig

Inspector-Gadget’s Father



Ba-dee-ah! Ba-dee-ah! Ba-dee-ah! That’s all folks, Inspector-Gadget