What would you do...


New member
The Scenario: Your rig is topless without doors. You've just came out of the store to see a teenager throw a shake in your driver's seat. What would you do?

Its hard to say exactly what I would really do in a situation like that, but I can honestly say that I would make sure that by the time I was done with them, they would be very, VERY sorry.... im thinking something along the lines of attaching him to the end of my tow rope, driving around the store a couple of times at, say, 15 to 20 mph, and then, while he's nice and tired from running for his life, taking his pants, and shoes, and leaving him in the middle of the parking lot, with the remainder of whatever amount of the shake that I could scrape off the seat on his head.
Catch him, call his parents, and sucker them out of as much money as possible by saying the shake damaged my seats and cd player and stuff like that.

well, since I am only a teenager myself, I would probably get my ass kicked if I tried to do much of anything. I really don't know. I way a whole 115 pounds so holding him down is not an option. I would probably try to make him think I could get him in a lot of trouble or hurt him, then make him clean it up.

I know not the most creative response, but just as far fetched as kicking his ass right.
Just out of curiosity, did this happen to you, or are you just preparing for if it does, or just making us think?
I would buy a big ass dog and let him ride In the front seat- Solution=if the dog didn't detour the kid from throwing a shake in your jeep, then maybe the dog would bite him/chase him...and if that didn't work...then you have a companion to clean off your seat for ya !

call the cops and hold the kid there until they arrived then press charges for vandalizing and destruction of property

This assuming the teenager is under 18.

If it is someone who is clearly NOT a teen, I'd knock their fuggin teeth in and ask questions afterwards.
i would run over and grab his ass and call the cops.

(well, i say that but when some chick flung the passenger door open and hit my car, a number of years ago, i was so ****ed i walked over and to the driver's door, opened the door and grabbed the guy driving and told him he better straighten his chick out or i was going to put his face through the wind shield and break her teeth on the curb after using her head to try and get the dent out. i say i am going to do things but when it comes to that point in time, it never works out and i embarrass my wife by getting in people's faces and threatening them)
i would run over and grab his ass and call the cops.

(well, i say that but when some chick flung the passenger door open and hit my car, a number of years ago, i was so ****ed i walked over and to the driver's door, opened the door and grabbed the guy driving and told him he better straighten his chick out or i was going to put his face through the wind shield and break her teeth on the curb after using her head to try and get the dent out. i say i am going to do things but when it comes to that point in time, it never works out and i embarrass my wife by getting in people's faces and threatening them)

Never mind trying to look tough, I am emailing you his license plate and telling you he is a jeep hater.

see how that goes down.

OR better yet posting his license plate on Jeepz and seeing how that goes down!
Take a picture of his license plates and call the cops, if you hit them,well you could be charged with assault. not worth spending time in jail for that.
Since my seats are covered with seat covers I would ask them why as I take it off and return the favor cleaning it off in their car.

i carry a nice tire slasher in my Jeep. pop his tires. sounds even.
Grab him by his neck, stick his face inches from the shake and say "I think you dropped something".

May seem harsh to some, but if someone is that stupid, careless and disrespectful to put a shake in someone's ride, then they need some physical education.

:oops:***Edited after reading the CORRECT subject!***:oops:
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