Whats in YOUR center console???

Who_Cares said:
South, you keep that cross for vampires???? :D Sorry just had to.

LOL, well you never know around here in Memphis. Actually it's only about two inches tall and is supposed to protect me in the Jeep. At least, according to my wife who gave it to me. Our church has a big basket full of them perfect size for just carrying around in a pocket or center console.
Remote for the radio that I never use
ID for work
spare change
a black sharpie
spare pins for the swaybar discos
various small tools for the T Maxx
buck knife

YJ: (tuffy box)
4 quarts of oil

Bikini Top
Tube of All purpose Grease
The face to my head unit
A can of that wire dry stuff
An extra EFI fuse (yes I have blown one before)
A pair of D rings
zip ties
Tire pressure guage
Lock tight (blue)
A Camo LED flashlight you wear on your head (a gift that I thought I would never use, but do!)
A handfull of floor drain plugs
Couple of lighters
Used to have CDs in there but no more since the player swallowed a smidge too much water...
and foot rests for when I have my doors off.
Mine has:
A valve core tool, digital tire pressure gauge, blue tinted OSHA approved safety glasses, winch remote, insurance and registrations cards, beer huggers, and a wadded up roll of sh!t tickets.

I just took inventory...

Old insurance papers :eek:
Sunglasses & case (the suglasses are almost never in the case)
Check book
Roll of hockey tape (95% used)
Cell phone charger
CDs in CD case
Digital camera :?:
Pack of chewing gum
Miscellaneous old paper that needs to be thrown out (e.g. gum wrappers, directions, etc.)...I left it all in
2 AA batteries
2 screwdrivers
CB handset
Half a dozen CD's, spare pack of smokes, lighter, pipe and pipe tobacco, WetOnes, spare house key, padlock to something somewhere, a billion napkins, two screwdrivers, pliers, wrench for taking off the doors, bungee cord, flashlight, toy Jeep, box of .357 shells, and a .357 pistol (it comes in the house with me at night).

graewulf said:
mingez said:
protection (and I don't mean a gun.

I couldn't resist./. you do realize that is probably the worst place to keep it besides your wallet right?

Yeah, but I live in a mild climate, and it's used quickly or tossed. And it usually travels from my garage to another garage. But the worst protection is none at all. Besides, I'm in a relationship now.... I'm not playin' around. :wink:
it amazes me how much stuff some of you guys and girls can fit in your center consoles.

i mean seriously....work clothes sully? haha where do you keep the iron? cause i'm sure they're not too pretty when you pull clothes out of your center console. :oops:
a leatherman, foldable knife, gum, maglite, sunglasses, notepad, pen, change, chapstick, and probably some other stuff; a full tool chest+camping supplies behind the seat.

I keep speakers in my console. Four speakers, to be exact.


A CB radio also lives inside of the Bubbacon console.

Oh, yeah! I almost forgot – I keep a “Blimpie” sandwich in there too – my snack-attack medication. :wink:


RE: Windshield Wipers

noskils32 said:
Gloves for when it gets cold, change, and random fast food reciepts.

keep that trash off of here, this is a family oriented site and that garbage doesnt need to be posted.

now that im done with that. i keep tylenol, a few heim joints that i havent used for my traction bar yet, some d-ring tabs for a bumper, some cds, a usmc hunting knife, pamphlets for the club i belong to, an adjustable wrench, a small mag light, my cb radio, and random info i dont want flying out or stolen,

edit: now the post reads funny but thats better than what it was, thanks bounty

RE: Best pop up blocker and sypware blocker?

noskils32 said:
Gloves for when it gets cold, change, and random fast food reciepts.

That is insane. Can we delete this post MODS? I know we have minors here and that is a horrible influence.

My console is empty right now due to a rash of robberies in my area but I am about to fill it back up with the things I listed several pages back. I am pretty sure I heard they caught the burgler.

RE: catylitic converter question ($800?!?!?!?)

Taken care of, please keep it clean or this thread will be locked or deleted.

Re: Stepping Down

well I guess I won't mention the gloves, change and fast food reciepts I carry...

bchcky said:
.work clothes sully? haha where do you keep the iron? cause i'm sure they're not too pretty when you pull clothes out of your center console. :oops:

Who Irons work clothes???

What's in my center console:

What's a center console? (This Cherokee never had a center console for some odd reason) :?

A whole lot of nothing. ( The lock button is broken and only works when it feels like it. Because I haven't had a chance to fix it yet, I rarely put anything in there).

-Nick :!:
I really need to go and check because there's a few items I've been missing and that's probably where they wound up! Plus, there's a lot of mudwoman's stuff in there :shock: .........I leave that alone! :lol:

BTW - good job, Bounty.