Winter Comes to Kansas....again

Well, if we are to believe the weathermenandwomenpersons, we're due for a medium-sized winter storm this weekend. They're forecasting up to 1/2" of ice followed by up to 2" of snow. Now, the snow doesn't worry me, but the ice could be a problem. It harkens back to the ice storm of January 4-5, 2004 where we got hammered with 3/4" to 1" of ice that downed tree limbs and power lines, and left several thousand people without power for up to 8 days. It's all supposed to start this morning, and end by Sunday afternoon.

Of course, Kansas is living up to it's reputation for fubar'd weather. Yesterday, we shattered all the records with a high temp of 70 degrees. Right now it's 19 degrees and still steadily dropping. Lows are expected to get down to around 5 to 7 degrees, with windchills down to -15 to -20. Today should see a light glazing of ice, with the brunt of the heavy freezing rain and sleet falling later in the evening and through Saturday, turning to snow by Sunday morning. If it does get as icy as they say, I'll be out for 15 to 20 hours of snow/ice removal at work. Gee, I can't wait.:roll:

What's worse is they are predicting up to 8 inches of snow in Western Kansas, where some areas still have up to 3 feet of snow on the ground from double storms last week....and some of those people still don't have power and haven't had since New Year's Eve!

So, if you don't hear from me Saturday and Sunday, you'll know it hit. If I'm still not back online by Wednesday or so, you'll know it hit with a vengeance and KO'd the power.

Well, if we are to believe the weathermenandwomenpersons, we're due for a medium-sized winter storm this weekend. They're forecasting up to 1/2" of ice followed by up to 2" of snow. Now, the snow doesn't worry me, but the ice could be a problem. It harkens back to the ice storm of January 4-5, 2004 where we got hammered with 3/4" to 1" of ice that downed tree limbs and power lines, and left several thousand people without power for up to 8 days. It's all supposed to start this morning, and end by Sunday afternoon.

Of course, Kansas is living up to it's reputation for fubar'd weather. Yesterday, we shattered all the records with a high temp of 70 degrees. Right now it's 19 degrees and still steadily dropping. Lows are expected to get down to around 5 to 7 degrees, with windchills down to -15 to -20. Today should see a light glazing of ice, with the brunt of the heavy freezing rain and sleet falling later in the evening and through Saturday, turning to snow by Sunday morning. If it does get as icy as they say, I'll be out for 15 to 20 hours of snow/ice removal at work. Gee, I can't wait.:roll:

What's worse is they are predicting up to 8 inches of snow in Western Kansas, where some areas still have up to 3 feet of snow on the ground from double storms last week....and some of those people still don't have power and haven't had since New Year's Eve!

So, if you don't hear from me Saturday and Sunday, you'll know it hit. If I'm still not back online by Wednesday or so, you'll know it hit with a vengeance and KO'd the power.

They are saying we will get it later this weekend.
Not so much snow, but 50% chance of Ice and temps in the teens overnite.
I brought up extra firewood and covered the pipes and sent the wife to the grocery store... bring it on...:lol: :lol:
Helluva cold snap, all that cold air we've been missing this winter is building up. We're supposed to have 1/4" to 1/2" of ice here (st. Louis) also, one wave Fri. night and another Sat. night.

All our trees look like a tornado came through, since the last ice storm took down most branches. Hope the electricity fares better this time around.
It started dropping freezing drizzle about an hour and a half ago. Immediately afterwards, the accidents started in Wichita. I've been listening to the scanner, and within the first 20 minutes of the first report of icy roads, every ambulance in Sedwick County was out on accidents, except our local service. That's 18 ambulances just in Sedwick County, and sounds like pretty much all of Butler County (east of us), Harvey County (north), and Reno County (west) ambulances are out, as well. Haven't heard from Kingman or Sumner to the south, because they are on a different band (non 800 mghz).

When I worked EMS, our volunteer ambulance hardly ever went out when the roads were slick, and I have a theory as to why that is: The people who can't handle driving on slick roads take themselves out before they get out this far from Wichita or Hutchinson (30 miles either way), leaving only skilled drivers passing through our response area.:lol: The few times we went out were for local residents, or when the roads turned slick rapidly and caught the bad drivers between cities. Those were the worst accidents, though, because they were travelling at 75 mph through here when they lost control.

Well the storm has started its first wave here in Utah...have 8 inches of new snow on my front porch...the roads are glazed over so bad thew salt thewre dropping isnt even penitrating. Now the temps is dropping..we expect 2 degrees for an over night temp...stocked up last night with extra firewood and did our weekly shopping last night. this weekend is going to be a rough one here
Well, don't feel too bad because it's cold in CA too. Not 8" of snow or 1/2" of ice, but all of local orchards are working over time to get all the citrus off the trees. What's not ripe enough stays on the branch and they bring in giant fans to put around the trees to keep the warmer air moving. Some places were below 20 degrees last night and expected to be that way all weekend. They're also expecting snow on the valley floor with the majority of the snow level dropping to the 500' elev. I would've stocked up on extra firewood myself, but here in Fresno you can't burn your fireplace most of the year for the smog reasons and they do patrol and give tickets to smoking chimneys. What a world!
but here in Fresno you can't burn your fireplace most of the year for the smog reasons and they do patrol and give tickets to smoking chimneys. What a world!

Point power no heat...freeze to death or take a ticket and fight it in court...hummm hard one here folks....hummmmruck you all and pass me the lighter!. Really what do they expect youy peeps to do freeze?!? to save the enviroment!

Don't worry. I'll light a fire before I freeze and take the ticket. Unfortunately a lot of the elderly and low income folks are too scared to do that now because they can't afford to break the law.
My parents live in Tulare/Visalia area and they are freezing to death over there. The whole family is sick as a dog and cant seem to get better. There just not used to it. They started burning there fireplace&F even with the ban in effect.
:-| :-|

Don't worry. I'll light a fire before I freeze and take the ticket. Unfortunately a lot of the elderly and low income folks are too scared to do that now because they can't afford to break the law.
freaking freezing here in Denver. -4 last night, and now it's up to 8+. It should hit -6 tonight with wind chill of -18. Stupid weather.

Ice in our forecast as well as snow. ARGH! No more. I can't take this crap anymore.

It's 78 here- Mud is sitting in front of an open window, shirtless.....come on down!!
It's 78 here- Mud is sitting in front of an open window, shirtless.....come on down!!

Aaahhh shuddup!!:evil:

j/k Bonnie.:D

Well, I got called in to work yesterday around 10am. Spent the whole day and night spreading ice melt to ward off the evil glaze. It was a strange night, fraught with spells of sleet, snow, freezing rain, and dazed sleeplessness. My crew finally got sent home this morning at 11am. 25 hours on the job makes for a bit of a long day. It finally cut loose good with some real freezing rain and sleet this morning around 5 am. We've got around an inch of sleet and ice on the ground, but fortunately, we didn't get much of it stuck on the trees and power lines, so it hasn't been a repeat of the '04 storm. However, now they're calling for 3-4" of snow today, and up to 8" by Sunday night. If that hits as planned, I'll be back out later this evening for another 24 hour shift (or more). It's all OT now, which is good, because if we end up with 8" of snow and ice on the ground, we won't work the rest of the week with temps in the single digits and wind chills of -15 to -20. I've been trying to sleep, but I can't...been up too long now. Hopefully I can get some horizontal time before I go back.

It's been a weird winter for us bostonians. its mid-january and still getting 50 degree days, ITS GREAT. like today i didnt even need a sweat shirt or jacket had the window down... i mean you have to put it up when you get on the high way... but its great...

some snow and ice coming tomorrow night and sunday night and some snow monday.. this could be goodbye to the 50's till march or so... :rolleyes:
Lax, my wife is in Boston right now, there for another week for training. Looks like our ice system will hit you guys tomorrow night.

We've got some areas hard-hit with up to 1" of ice. We got about 1/4" here at the house. The ice covered deer stand was tough to climb this morning.
Lax, my wife is in Boston right now, there for another week for training. Looks like our ice system will hit you guys tomorrow night.

We've got some areas hard-hit with up to 1" of ice. We got about 1/4" here at the house. The ice covered deer stand was tough to climb this morning.

Man I saw parts of Kansas, Iowa, and Oklahoma on tonights news... Those people have it kind of rough. All we have right now is a good old fashions ice storm, but not too bad, won't get above freezing until Tuesday though...

Man I saw parts of Kansas, Iowa, and Oklahoma on tonights news... Those people have it kind of rough. All we have right now is a good old fashions ice storm, but not too bad, won't get above freezing until Tuesday though...

Did you see the pic of the semi that ran through the bridge railing and was hanging by the rear wheels of the trailer? Pretty cool!
Did you see the pic of the semi that ran through the bridge railing and was hanging by the rear wheels of the trailer? Pretty cool!

Yeah I think. The trailer was white with big blue lettering I think.
That looked awesome, but I hope the guy was not hurt bad.

Yeah I think. The trailer was white with big blue lettering I think.
That looked awesome, but I hope the guy was not hurt bad.

Yeah, that was it. The driver walked away with a few bruises, and refused EMS transport to the hospital!!:shock: You would think he'd be hurt seriously, if not killed, because the cab landed on the driver's side! I would guess he had to see a doctor later to remove a large section of seat cushion out of his arse! :lol: