would you quit?

antsinmypants said:
I'm done, i'll recive my last paycheck on thursday... currently working on my resume :D YAY

Well, good for you. It sounds like you'd pretty much made up your mind that your time there would be short, so I guess that's ok. Good luck in your future endeavors!!8)

Now, how 'bout those details?
not really any details to share. when the manager came in i asked for a meeting with him. Asked if there was anyway he could reduce my shift to require no over time. explained that i felt they were laready too stressfull after working 10 hour shifts for over 2 years. he said no. so i said i was going to have to quit. He said he'd hate to see me leave but if that was how i felt. so i went back to my desk, packed everything, signed off my computer. the look on his face thou was pretty priceless.. i dont think he thought i was really going to quit.... still gotta do some work, learned how to dry the greens at the golf course, lol. ooh and i'll be getting more hours with Julia for a whileso i might be making $560 off that a month. so i'm still making somthing

antsinmypants said:
ooh and i'll be getting more hours with Julia for a whileso i might be making $560 off that a month. so i'm still making somthing
Who? Did I miss something...who's julia?

Good for you BTW and Good LUCK!!!
OMG, I was going to quit my job because I had to work on 3 Saturdays in a month. And I asked for less then 20HRs a week and got 25 all the time. I was making $15 something and I told them I was gong to quit if they don’t listen to my demands! They did and then the summer came and I just didn’t even feel like working on the weekends. I gave my 2 weeks notice and decided to call in sick every time for 2 weeks so I can get paid for my sick days, well the first day I called in my manager told me not to come in anymore but I still got all my sick day and vocation days paid. HA! So if they don’t pay for them talk to a lawyer and tell him that you wanted to take a vocation but they didn’t let you for 2 yars and its your money that they still owe you.

By the way if you work for 8Hrs you get a 2 15min breaks and 1hr beak for lunch. 10 Hr is time and a half for pay and prolly another 30 min break (never worked that long)… this is the law here in IL
the law in IL is different from the law in Canada. work laws are even different from state to state. there are federal minimums across the board such as minimum wage (which the state can increase as they see fit) and hours for minors to work etc.

bluejeep said:
By the way if you work for 8Hrs you get a 2 15min breaks and 1hr beak for lunch. 10 Hr is time and a half for pay and prolly another 30 min break (never worked that long)… this is the law here in IL
Keep in mind those breaks do not have to be paid breaks, and can extend an 8 hour day to 9 hours.

As for time and a half, it is mandatory for non-salaried employees who work in excess of 40 hours a week (not 8 hours a day). These are the federal standards which is what most of the states observe. Yes there are exceptions but I wanted to make clear what the federal guidelines are.

All irrelevant because Ants is in Canada, but hey Ants, I'm glad you got out of that situation. Like some already said in one way or another:

Llife is to short to have avoidable misery.

Are you in School now? If not, maybe this would be an excellent opportunity to take a class or two that might spark a new career path.

Real Estate? Welding? I bet you'd make a great bartender. Do you have a Jeep dealer nearby? (You would have all the guys coming in to buy Jeeps eating out of the palm of your hand and get a discount too ;) )

Point is you are at a good age to shift gears and there are endless possibilities out there. f you think long and hard you will find something that balances your skills, personality, and your financial needs. If it takes a financial struggle to get through classes or training for something you dream of doing then now is the time. I sincerely wish you the best in doing so.
mingez said:
Who? Did I miss something...who's julia?

This is Julia, I believe:


I know, you were thinking of someone a bit older, weren't you? Ya stinkin' perv......
I know there are differnt rules from state to state, I was just making a point that There are better employers that care about their employe;s...

Sparky-Watts said:
This is Julia, I believe:


I know, you were thinking of someone a bit older, weren't you? Ya stinkin' perv......

nope, thats laura, i babysit her for free, cause shes so super adorable. Julia is my neighbor in the wheel chair who has spinal muscular atrophy. I've been going over there once a weeek for the past year for an over night shift. but this past week has been AMAZING! i've been getting lots of meals over at the bf's i've been going on hikes or long walks daily. i even got the top off my jeep the other day. its been FANTASTIC.. but i'm acctually gfoign hiking right now. i'll talk to you working folks later :D
Hmm, this "no job" thing sounds verry interesting.... Perhaps I'll inquire with the wife as to her feelings on the subject.
TerryMason said:
Hmm, this "no job" thing sounds verry interesting.... Perhaps I'll inquire with the wife as to her feelings on the subject.

For you or her? Be careful what you wish for. Sunshine lost her job back in August or September, and I've gained 30 lbs since she's been off work because she's cooking dinner for me almost every night now.8) I'm not sure I want her to go back to work, but I can't afford to gain any more weight!!:lol: