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What's up with these people thinking it's cool to hack into a Jeep website?? Man, there sure are some nutty people out there. :roll:

Law Enforcement Officers Jeep Club???

Damn Brazilians! Maybe we should nuke em! Bunch of bored pieces of crap.........

They're probably just using us for practice -- it is not uncommon for hackers to post links to sites which they successfully hacked so others can have a try at it too. Sadly, sites which use Post Nuke or phpNuke content management systems seem to be at a higher risk as both systems are a common target for these low-life hackers. :x

Thanks again to Terry for correcting the problem.

-Nick :!:

Yeah, thanks much, Terry - you're the bomb. I was starting to have withdrawals.

we may have to move away from it if I can't get things more secure.

Hope you'll keep us all informed (I'm NOT Brazilian, by the way :D ) You do a great job runnin' this thing and this is the best site I've found for Jeepin', friendly chat, laughs, heartaches, pictures, etc.,etc.,etc.

mingez said:
That would suck if we had to go through a move. Thanks for all of your hard work Terry.

I'm guessing Terry means moving away from using the content Management system (post nuke), not the domain name. :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:

Dang brazilian hackers!, wonder what they got agenst jeeps. I guess they just wouldn't understand.
noskils32 said:
wm69 said:
Damn Brazilians! Maybe we should nuke em! Bunch of bored pieces of crap.........

What an intelligent comment

Spoken like a nut from Kalifornia. Why don't you move down there with em and ya'll can dance around in your underwear and sing about saveing the world from the oppressive capitalists of the north. I suppose you would rather shake their hand and congratulate them on their computer skills, maybe say their skills are being misused, give them a check and send them to school so they can get better at what they do. After all, it's not their fault they are hacking us. We have brought it upon ourselves by being American, right? I guess you also think I would actually want to nuke brazil to get rid of their hackers (I was joking). All of that said, they are a bunch of bored pieces of crap.......

Little jerk hackers from Brazil make a strong arguement for caning! Just kidding, but man someone needs to get a LIFE down there.
Has anyone ever translated what they had typed? I did if anyone is interested. I cant seem to figure out what it means tho. I had it saved to post but its gone. It said something about god and the president, all kinds of mumble jumble.

I translated it with Google, but it didn't translate very well (probably because they don't know how to write in their own language correctly). It did say something about religion, though. :roll:

-Nick :!:

I translated the first hack pretty clearly. I don't have it anymore but Sully did. I think he put it in a post somewhere............ Said mostly that Americans are taking over the world and rich people own everything they shouldn't and that they needed to lose all thier money and die.

I missed the hack, didn't know about it until I got the email from the Yahoo Group site we use as a backup in times like that.

Kudos to Terry for the short downtime.
people all over the world hate the US and people come up will all kinds of reasons why, but it basically boils down to petty jealousy. We enjoy a higher standard of living here and a life of luxury compared to other countries. Some people hate us for it. Jeeps are a great symbol of america and the western way of life, so they shut us down. My "nuke em all" statement was made because I'm sure the hackers are gloating over their little job and I was giving them the "cowboy" attitude that that attibute to all Americans to justify their hatred of the US (not that they really need a legitimate reason). The whole world hates us for our success, and the whole time we are giving aid to all of these countries full of people who hate us. I'm sick of it, and wouldn't shed a tear if we cut all of the unappreciated aid off right now. The more we do for these people the more they hate us. There's no way we can change that. I don't know how many people here saw the south park episode where the kids take a goat back to it's family in Iraq (along with an american flag as a symbol of our country wanting to do the right thing), and the family the goat is returned to sets fire to the flag and says they hate America "because it's America". That's their attitude and I say screw em all. We shouldn't nuke 'em; we should leave them all the hell alone and let them kill each other off, or starve, or whatever the hell they want to do....... Am I insensitive? Maybe, but anyone who thinks kindness to these people will change their attitude towards us is blind. This site is a great representation of America and our success. That's why they keep hacking it.

wm69 said:
noskils32 said:
wm69 said:
Damn Brazilians! Maybe we should nuke em! Bunch of bored pieces of crap.........

What an intelligent comment

Spoken like a nut from Kalifornia.......

Hey now, don't bash on my state!! There are nuts everywhere.

And for the record, Brazil isn't a communist state, but rather a republic and thus would never refer to the US as "Capitalists". I learned that in the great state of California...with a "C! :wink: