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    Learning Curve

    Hey thanks for the help... :)
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    Dauhter's Boyfriends Jeep

    Got it figured out This is some pics of my daughter's boyfriends jeep, it's a nice older rig and he is always working on it to make it better. Have had a great time out wheeling with him, and the old man stocker does just fine.. :lol: :lol:
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    Learning Curve

    Wow it looks like I got it working :) I'm so happy :) :lol: :lol: :lol:
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    Learning Curve

    Just trying to get the hang of this new change.. It's great but it's a bit tought to get the hang of at first but I'll get it. Hope to be able to post some pics of the latest trips and other stuff. Hope every one has been doing well and I'll hope to have things up soon. OlllllO Happy trails
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    How do I post a pic in my Avatar ???

    I'm having trouble just posting a pic anywhere in here now.. :(
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    Ummmm WHOA

    Got to say it's different but in a good way nice work all. And I'll get it figured out soon. I've got some new pics of my daughter's boyfriend's rig to post, as soon as I relearn how to do it in this new world.. Happy trails.. OlllllO
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    Jeep Wave Higherarchy

    I am incline to agree about waving to everyone in a jeep no matter how it looks. As long as you have pride in your ride it's all good. Happy trails.. OlllllO
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    Need to get a lift.

    1062575 Hey thanks for the the info. I did call and ask the tech people at Quadratec. They gave me the same answer. So I went with the 1.5 body and 4" Skyjacker. I'll let yoou know how they turn out when they get here. This might be a bit as they have to go snail mail to me, and then on a truck...
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    Not a Jeep but....

    1062576 Hey if you ani"t stuck, you ani"t jeepin.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: [addsig]
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    So to make matters worse...

    1062581 Well if your going to get it looked at, then here is the sure fire way to get the guys attention. First wear one of those outfits, you know the one your mom said; "no way in hell your going out in that" :-O Then make sure you make lots of noise pulling up. As the guy comes out to see...
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    My "jeep chick" status didn't work for me today.

    1063121 Hey nice jeep. To bad about the fender mods. Just wanted to say I like your site and even joined up for the site. Sounds like you got your act together on getting your ride taken care of. Best of luck and Happy trails. 8-) [addsig]
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    sheep in a jeep

    1063125 Hey Thanks for the tip. :-) I have a 3 yr old as well and she is so into jeeps that her barbie even drives one.. :lol: :lol: :lol: [addsig]
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    Axe the Unsavory Posting and the Guilty Parties!

    1063129 Well this is one of the best responses, and open post I have read. I think you would make a great moderator. thanks for taking the time to let us hear your side. And don't worry even some of us newbies, can see the good thru the bull$hit...Happy trails. 8-) [addsig]
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    On a lighter note

    1063133 I'm with Tug on this one. I for one love to get muddy and as I live in a VERY remote part of alaska, Mind you there is one car wash in town, and they are busy as all get out. But there again I do have the ability to wash it at home but not durning the winter months. But a good once a...
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    Axe the Unsavory Posting and the Guilty Parties!

    1063135 I 2nd your motion, and move to have the vote. 8-) I vote ya for all the above.[addsig]
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    constructive criticism wanted: my new website...

    1063711 WOW nice work. I enjoyed your vids too. Keep up the great work and I'll keep checking it out from time to time. 8-) [addsig]
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    That annoying shift indicator light

    1063712 Hey I got the same thing in my 03X. I have not found the darn wire and can't get my hand in there it rip it out. I got a small Jeep Sticker and covered it up. Now when the lite comes on, it lites up the jeep. 8-) [addsig]
  18. A trail rides?

    1063714 What about a real Jeep adventure and come to Alaska. I have some trails up here that make the pic's of Tug's look like a preschool for jeepers. :lol: :lol: :lol: (just kidding Tug) Anyways I will just have to enjoy the great pic's you post. Sounds like it would be a blast to get a...
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    wanna buy some breasts off ebay? only $1000!!! (Rated PG-13

    1063853 The thing is, I think she's just fine the way she is. She doesn't need a boob job. I wish she could see that for herself. Now I got to admit that she would look a lot hotter in a nice jeep. (topless of course...) :-O The Jeep I mean :lol: :lol: :lol: [addsig]
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    I Am So Stupid :(

    1063855 Man you are one lucky dude. You should pack you and your jeep and head to Vegas NOW!!! Ok just kidding, you were really lucky though, that it didn't just throw a rod out the side of your block. That jeep must really like you. Noew you should return the favor and get it muddy. :lol...