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  1. J

    Other Hobbies?

    Now you know how we Marylanders feel year-round!
  2. J

    Other Hobbies?

    I'm a nursing student sooo I dont really have time for much... but partying is up there on the list (hey I'm the normal college student!), snowboarding (year round!!!), and traveling - I've been to 48 of the 50 states... there's only Iowa and Hawaii left.... anyone wanna do some camping/wheeling...
  3. J

    Topics in this forum

  4. J

    This place has some nice Jeeps... for a price!

    What happnes when you hit a Lincoln Dude!!! Check out the link for USED JEEP PARTS!!!!! THATS INSANE!!!! I wish this place were closer to me!
  5. J

    Topics in this forum

    I personally love reading and responding to topics that aren't necessarily about jeeps on here... it just shows that even though we're all completely different and have opinions at all ends of the spectrum we can still get together and help each other out with jeep problems and respect each...
  6. J

    soft top hardware removed. What does this mean?

    When people sell soft tops that says "Hardware not included" it means that it's strictly the top, the material part. The poles that are used to hold the roof up and the windows in their "windowy shape" and to fit in the doors are not with it. You'll need to buy these pieces too. If you're...
  7. J

    Sputtering Problem

    Yesterday I started having this weird problem with my Jeep... I can be driving along with no problem and then it starts jerking back and forth and sputtering like it's about to stall even though it shouldn't be. Just pressing the clutch in and stopping for a couple of minutes makes it ok again...
  8. J

    Gas prices.......

    Sounds like I need to move down south!!! Gas up here is like $1.69 for 87 at the cheap stations. I've seen it for $1.81!!!! If it keeps going up I think I may be selling my jeep and buying a bike... hahaha :roll:
  9. J

    NCAA Tournament

    in your dreams Jetski :roll:
  10. J

    Poor College Student

    I had the same problem a little over a year ago... I, too, had an '84 CJ which was unreliable, expensive and my parents were pressuring me to sell it because it "wasn't safe." I ended up selling it and getting a '97 TJ from a dealership. Now I've got a small warranty, better gas mileage (which...
  11. J

    NCAA Tournament

    Weren't those 3 games the most amazing games you've ever seen?! Good ol' Gary... if he can make our freshmen and sophomores better than Duke's juniors and seniors THEN HE SHOULD BE ABLE TO AT LEAST GET US INTO THE FINAL FOUR! :D :D :D :D
  12. J

    NCAA Tournament

    Any predictions on what's going to happen?? Don't forget to fill out your brackets!!! (and put MARYLAND into the final four!!!) :D
  13. J

    Gas prices

    I've paid more for a bottle of water than I have for a gallon of gas in some places!!! Talk about ridiculous! :?
  14. J

    Moab Pictures

    AWESOME!!!! :D
  15. J

    JC Whitney

    I'm sure most of you get the JC Whitney catalogs.... I've never noticed this before but on the cover of the newest they have a red CJ and the grill is different than most. It has all 7 of the normal grill things but the lights cut into them... what is this?
  16. J

    The covered Bridge in Jerrico Md is Haunted (I'm scared)

    I went there tonight!!! :shock: WE SAW A GHOST!!!!!!!! well ok, maybe we didn't... we just got each other a little creeped out.. :lol: a very cool old bridge though!
  17. J

    The covered Bridge in Jerrico Md is Haunted (I'm scared)

    Cool coool! I went to Hereford... rival schools!! :x
  18. J

    The covered Bridge in Jerrico Md is Haunted (I'm scared)

    Wow!!!! Thats awesome!!!!! I'm definitely going to find this bridge! :? Soundman-- where'd you grow up at?
  19. J

    Custon Decal Made

    Wrangler Unlimited we should get decals made... haha that might be a little gay but still it would be good to recognize a fellow member when you see a random jeep..
  20. J

    Wrangler Unlimited

    Any comments about this.... :?: