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  1. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    What state are you in, 90Xjay? Arizona? If Utah Jeepster got his in Salt Lake City, you should have yours by Saturday, even if you're in California. I'll bet it shows up today.
  2. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    ROFLMBO...You HAVE to let me post this in J Rations' Backtalk web page (letters to the editor)! In all my career, I've never seen a letter like this one. Please say I can... Thanks, BTW, I needed the laugh!
  3. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Thank you, TC. We'll take all we can to help J Rations gain some traction. Merry Christmas (and remember to save some of that J Rats CD for Christmas Day babysitting)! Lisa
  4. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Here's the link: Thanks so much, TC!
  5. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    That was how I took it. :-) Can I quote your comments about the mag on our Web site? Or maybe you'd write a letter to the editor to help us get word out that we do sorta know what we're doing?? Maybe? Please?
  6. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Thanks much, TwistedCopper. I'll make sure the editor gets your comments. Judging by current reports, 90Xjay, I have no doubt it'll arrive before Christmas.Rest assured, thet CD will definitely babysit you while the in-laws visit. Hope you have some decent computer speakers, 'cause you'll want...
  7. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Ay carumba! Sorry, Bonney! So much for her surprise...
  8. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Thanks, Sparky, for the high marks! You've made my day. :-) Music can be tricky when trying to appeal to the broadest audience, but the tracks add a lot to the overall experience. If you liked the history piece on Standard Issue 1, wait till you see what's coming on SI2!! Jim Allen (the...
  9. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Order fulfillment started yesterday (the shipper finally got their act together), so you can look for your copies to arrive soon—probably in time for Christmas!
  10. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Woo-hoo! Thanks, Sparky, for the good report! We know the price is a little salty, but with what's in SI1 and the quality of the product, we're hoping Jeepers will decide it's worth their hard-earned money. We've paid attention to every detail. Even the CD sleeve is archive-quality, produced...
  11. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    I personally mailed your copy via 1st class on December 7, so you should've had it by now. :( Maybe the Christmas rush has it bogged down. Are you in a rural area? We frequently mail to a rural address in Wisconsin, and it takes two weeks (sometimes longer) for our packages to arrive. Maybe we...
  12. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Sparky, I'm sure your copy is sitting at the PO waiting for you. It was sent out quite a while ago. Don't you have a carrier pigeon to fetch your mail? ;)
  13. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    FYI: Shipping J Rations to Canada joedirt had asked me a while ago if J Rations was going to be available in Canada, and my response was "no." In case anyone else is interested, J Rations has just been cleared for shipping to Canada, so we'll be delivering to the Great White North after all...
  14. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    LOL!! Are you as glad as I am to be out of the advertising business?!
  15. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Ah, then you must know what tchatchkis are...
  16. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Well, of course. What was I thinking? :lol:
  17. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Swag and fubar? Somebody give me a clue what these are?
  18. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    We will be at as many events as we can afford, both in funds and manhours. Right now we're planning to be at the Off-Road Impact show in Las Vegas, NV (Jan. 19-21). Thank you for your input on editorial. We couldn't agree more. Like you, we are real-life Jeepers...I guess that's why we...
  19. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Our editorial profile is this: J Rations is for enthusiasts who live with real-world budgets (and that includes us). This was our principle behind the early days of Jp (before we were shown the door in the wake of buyouts) and it's the same now with J Rations. Our editorial schedule has articles...
  20. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Oh, come on, don't pout. I sent the free copy to Sparky only after I was properly beaten about the head and face! :roll: My promise to you: Standard Issue 1 is worth every penny...and then some. You'll see!