broken fuel gauge


New member

i went offroading the other day and i got stuck. my passenger rear tire was stuck in a muddy rut and i couldn't get traction. while i was trying to get out i noticed that my fuel gauge was on "E" i didin't think anything of it because the jeep was crooked and i thought that all the fuel was on one side of the tank. on the way home and even affter i put more gas in the gauage still is at empty. anyone have any idea what happend and how hard would it be to fix myself? thanks


this might help some.

I'd guess the wire broke or came off the sending unit at the tank or on the way there. or a ground at the tank broke.


my gauge is broken too, it has been since i bought the jeep over the summer. it seems that the needle is off centered or somthing because it will stay on Full for roughly half the tank, and then be empty by the time it gets to 1/4 tank. It also fluctuates when i give it gas. Any ideas on what it could be or how it can be fixed?[addsig]


there was a recall on my jeep a 91 there is a feul desending unit gasket that breaks that cause the unit to ground out i got it fixed and then my gage started working better but not always great so its worth a shot


Cleaned the contact strip behind the gauges and the connector back by the tank and the fuel gauge has been working fine ever since (it doesn´t stop anymore at half tank). If yours is wired like mine, always empty, means dead short or no power to the gauge. But could be like the guy said a stuck sending unit float. All the way to the top means open circuit, all the way to the bottom means short or no power, stopping in the middle usually means poor contact or corrosion somewhere. It could also be the sending unit, but it pays to check the easy stuff first. Changing the sending unit is a pain. Disconnecting the plug, left side of fuel tank up high on most models, will tell you wether it´s in the front or the back of your Jeep, gauge should go all the way to the top.[addsig]

thanks for the feedback dudes

i took my girlfriend out on a dirt road to teach her to drive a standard. it was a bit bumpy but i noticed that halfway through the ordeal my guage was working againg. i guess the floater got lodged some where in the tank but.. its been 2 days and my gauge still works
