Can we make an 8 page post JUST about JEEPS?????

sucks people had to cheat to do it. maybe we should start over with every post being a REAL post.
Yay, we did it.... kind of. But I figure if we get to 20 pages with interspersed Jeep talk, then it will be an 8 page post just about jeeps.

Just consider it a 20 page thread about Jeeps and "abject" sillyness. Hee hee.

Today, I did a little wheeling after work because we got a rare occurance of rain. Well actually for LC, it's be raining quite a bit. Weird, cause we never get much. So I did a little mudding, but kept it toned as not to bust my axle again!! Plus, I was alone (never do that) It was fun and relaxing. Did some of the trails near the Organ Mountains:
