Can we make an 8 page post JUST about JEEPS?????

NE occurances? My club is fighting over some land we leased. We can't agree on how to establish and run it. What fun! I am STILL waiting on mirror movers. It's been raining for THREE days and were full up on rain. I may find some mud tonight?

Everything is just cruising along here! How's the new place Mingez? That is a beautiful picture up there!


It's nice... most of my wheeling buds are in Denver, Albuquerque, ane El Paso so i can't just get on the horn and talk to someone and go wheeling that same day.

But I got intouch with the LCFWD:

I answered an ad in the thrifty nickel for a 72 bronco...but didn't get it. But the guy was super nice. And volunteered all sorts of info. So, I'll have some friends to wheel with soon enough.

And I've got my buds an hour away in El Paso.
Sounds reasonable enough, where to begin? Like many of you, I have been restricted in my off-roading, because not only have I not had the opportunity to head out with Wranglerwhat94, but as of late, all that Jeepy's been doing is transporting me between work and sleep.

My Jeep's Name:
Jeepy is the name of my '00 Patriot Blue XJ Sport. Many chose to name thiers after proper names, or by it's physical attributes, ie: Bradley (LauraBoston), or 6-Pack (mingez). I chose to give mine sort of a pet name. I was in the process of giving it it's first oil change that I did (like I said, I am a very busy person), and I was muttering to myself. It was like 1:00 AM, I had been at it for a while, and was moving like molasses. I did the transfer case fluid change, the diffs, the spark plugs, and last but not least, the oil change... I was pouring the oil in, and it just sort of slipped out. I patted the grille, and said "Aww, is Jeepy feeling better?" And it stuck. I take care of Jeepy, and it takes care of me... And yes, I talk to my Jeep (especially when I bust open a knuckle working a wrench on it :twisted: .

My Jeep's Workshop:
Any work I do on my Jeep is performed in my Grandpa's garage in Ortonville. Though he died just over a year ago, his legacy lives on, in his tools, and in the garage itself. It has that garage smell that you never forget, and it is one of the cleanest garages you have ever seen. It's out back of my Grandma's house, detatched, with full power, heat, phone, air comp lines throughout, and just about every Chrysler part you can possibly imagine. When you work at Chrysler for 46 years, your garage gets like that. He used to work on cars for a living, was nothing he couldn't do. So now, whenever there is work to be done, I go out there. He has about every tool known to man, and every spare part you can think of for a Chrysler-derived vehicle (and then some.) It's comfortabel out there, and the Jeep looks really good in the garage. Fills the space nicely while it's undergoing maintanance.

My Jeep's Mud:

Just this weekend, I went to my property up north... Don't know how many of you are familiar with Northern Michigan (if I could live there forever, I would), but if you take the I-75 north from Madison Heights (exits 62, 63, 65 A-B) to Exit 310 (M-68), go right about 13 miles, you are there... My family owns 11 acres of trees and swamp, 1 mile back off of a 2-track that is impassible in the best of seasons :). The road (if you can call it that) is not maintained by anyone, save me putting a shovel or 2 of dirt in the deepest holes... Put Jeepy in 4H (4L in the bad season), hit the gas, and dart amongst the fallen trees. The water can be literally 2 feet deep in some holes. Tons of mud, dirt jumps, puddles, small lakes, trees, logs, rocks... It's a blast. Wish I could get some pics, because my Jeep is now a delightful shade of grey-brown, with splotches of dirty blue. But, that's about a 500 mile round trip, so needless to say, I can't get up there as much as I would like.

Future Projects:
I have seen a number of lifted Cherokees in the area, and they all look really sharp. I would love to do a lift, get a winch, some trail lighting, and a few other odds and ends. But I am perpetually strapped for cash, so that'll all come on slowly but surely.

The End.
That's me and me Jeep, hope you enjoyed the insight on what makes Jeepy and I go. Now you know of my Jeep, what it does, where it goes, and how it's fixed.


It's fantastic that you love your area so and that you can allow your granda's legacy to live on in such a direct way. Often, properties get sold or parted after one passes, its sad. I loved your post about you and your jeep! Way Cool!

Mingez, I'm sure you'll have wheeling buddies in no time like you said! Good Luck. I wish you had gotten that bronco. My bro used to have one, they are awesome.


Well, I usually am the first to respond to a post (or at least one of the first) but due to the DNC being in boston last week, I got the hell out of town! way too much traffic and stuff, so I packed it up and headed north where there were no computers or anything!

I just added my new center console that I made from fiberglass. it houses all marine grade elecronics, it has a cylinder head temp guage, and I addapted a transmission temp guage to work with my transfer case cause, I was recently reading about how ATF breaks down after 220 degrees far. and my Tcase gets real hot! I also added a Stochiometric ratio guage (tells me if my jeep is running rich or lean) I also added a 12 volt power source, and a number of switches, one controls the OBA, and the other controls my NEW chassis lights ($40) which is 4 napa tractor lights facing down under the jeep! (pics coming, I took them just need to up-load them soon) Another switch for a set of KC lights that are going on my windshield as soon as the bracket comes in.

Then there is a momentary switch that supplies power to a little somethin somethin that I know Heather and Zeb will appreciate! I will give you a hint, ever watch Dukes of Hazzard? Yee Haww!

Been sourcing parts for my D44 axles and the SOA that I am planning, but I might change the game plan a little to save on some $$ for other mods that I want to do!

Gonna start my rocker guards soon, and I am also gonna finally buy a new front bumper. was gonna build one, but I found one I absolutly like! Built by Blue Torch Fabrication! It is tight! I have about 15 other jeep projects that I am slowly working on.

Oh ya, planning on heading to paragon in oct. I will post soon!

Later Johnny
LadyJeepFreak said:

It's fantastic that you love your area so and that you can allow your granda's legacy to live on in such a direct way. Often, properties get sold or parted after one passes, its sad. I loved your post about you and your jeep! Way Cool!

Mingez, I'm sure you'll have wheeling buddies in no time like you said! Good Luck. I wish you had gotten that bronco. My bro used to have one, they are awesome.

Lady, I bought something else other than a Bronco, or other than the YJ Jules is selling.... I lucked out...let's just say that. Two letters: TJ.

Saurian, nice post. It's nice to see some substance behind our hobby of Jeepin'.

Johnny, I was wondering where you where at...

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: YAY for MINGEZ!!!! Welcome to the TJ world!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
TwistedCopper said:
mingez said:

SO that's it?!??! Nice! did you pick it up yet???

Good news is now you can justify that headlight conversion you've been threatening hehehehe

Not yet, my buddy Phil (the friend) will be making arrangements for title change. Then it's a matter of sending him the cashier's check. Plus, for 300 he's gonna ship it to me. I'll be getting it the 12-14 of aug. Ugh... I can't wait.

Now all I have to do is think of a name for it. I'll decide when I get it.
Nice jeep man, what kind of lift is on it? Looks like someone has been offroading with it already. That leads me to the name... how about Oreo? ha! Only two weeks to wait, that's not bad, it will be here before you know it. I was looking over a year before I found one I wanted.

Sparky-Watts said:
mingez said:
Now all I have to do is think of a name for it. I'll decide when I get it.

How 'bout the "Benedict Arnold", ya stinkin' YJ traitor!!!!!! :lol:


Sweet ride, I likey the rims! The name that is coming to mind is call it the MJ-TJ (Michael Jackson-TJ) cause it looks like it used to be black but is slowly becoming white!!!!!
How about Yin-Yan? Or however you spell that. Or maybe White on Rye.
Nice Bling Bling rims. You should consider selling those for some beadlocks. You would probably come out even on the deal.
The name that is coming to mind is call it the MJ-TJ (Michael Jackson-TJ) cause it looks like it used to be black but is slowly becoming white!!!!!

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You guys are too much! Gotta change my pants again!

jps4jeep said:
Sparky-Watts said:
mingez said:
Now all I have to do is think of a name for it. I'll decide when I get it.

How 'bout the "Benedict Arnold", ya stinkin' YJ traitor!!!!!! :lol:


Sweet ride, I likey the rims! The name that is coming to mind is call it the MJ-TJ (Michael Jackson-TJ) cause it looks like it used to be black but is slowly becoming white!!!!!

OMG!!!!!!! BWAAAAAHHHHAAAAAAHHHHHHHAAAAAHHHHHHHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too funny!!!!!!!! :lol:
redrooster said:
How about Yin-Yan? Or however you spell that. Or maybe White on Rye.
Nice Bling Bling rims. You should consider selling those for some beadlocks. You would probably come out even on the deal.

Yeah...Ya think?? Actually those rims are PHAT!!! I'm gonna keep em and lower the Jeep. And the two-tone thing will be one of the first things to change...

Hahahahahahaha :lol: :lol: LOL you guys are too much.

BTW- you can't tell but it's actually Navy blue.

Bumpin' this thread with my latest mod.....

I started a new job last week (been unemployed since October of 2003, figgered I oughta do something). I hate to say it, but I'm selling cars at a Ford Stealership. Anyway, just before I got hired, I ordered some Soundwedges for my YJ. I have been working 10-12 hours a day for the past 8 days, finally got a day off today, the temps were in the upper 60's, so I hooked'em up. I put in some Pioneer 240 watt 4-ways, and I gotta admit, THEY ROCK!!!!!!!! Took a drive with the top down, and couldn't hear anything but, that's how it oughta be all the time!

I wasn't real impressed with the way the Soundwedges mount. They use a small velcro strip at the top to hold them up against the roll bar, and a screw at the bottom to clamp to the roll bar. Not very stable. I'll probably use some sheetmetal screws and anchor them into the fenderwell when I have more time. Aside from that, I love'em!!!