Here is another Messed up Superhero...

Ya know Snitty, we are merely an election away from restoring it all. Problem is people are not yet motivated enough to vote in all new people throughout. That quote at the bottom of the website you have linked in your sig says it all:
There is tranquility in ignorance, but servitude is it's partner.

There is certainly no shortage of either here in the US these days.

Well... Its not quite as simple as electing a new "ruler". "Their" plan was implemented long ago, and "our" votes have no say in what will take place. The only president to ever take a stand against "the plan" was killed in Dallas in the back seat of his car. His brother, with similar intentions to his own, was killed shortly after. I've decided that I've been quiet long enough and if that is the fate I seek for defending OUR rights, then I'm willing to take it.

Although, the next election MIGHT bring us someone who can be our chance to abolish the constitution annihilating "Patriot Act". However, simply practicing the "right" to vote gives "them" full unlawful jurisdiction over "us" and contradicts the constitution as it is. Either way it won't matter.
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Snitty said:
Well... Its not quite as simple as electing a new "ruler". "Their" plan was implemented long ago, and "our" votes have no say in what will take place. The only president to ever take a stand against "the plan" was killed in Dallas in the back seat of his car. His brother, with similar intentions to his own, was killed shortly after. I've decided that I've been quiet long enough and if that is the fate I seek for defending OUR rights, then I'm willing to take it.

Although, the next election MIGHT bring us someone who can be our chance to abolish the constitution annihilating "Patriot Act". However, simply practicing the "right" to vote gives "them" full unlawful jurisdiction over "us" and contradicts the constitution as it is. Either way it won't matter. all boils down to the "Electoral College" and the way it robs the vote from the people....face it, your vote doesn't count!:(
The electoral college is very important to protecting the rights of the people, our democratic republic is as near perfect form of government as an imperfect being can create. The republic allows for the protection of the rights of the majority as well as the minority, in a democracy the majority always win even at supreme detriment to the rights and liberties of the minority.

For a full discourse on why a democratic republic is better than a democracy check out the Federalist No. 10 (and to a lesser extent No. 9)
OutOfStep said:
The electoral college is very important to protecting the rights of the people, our democratic republic is as near perfect form of government as an imperfect being can create. The republic allows for the protection of the rights of the majority as well as the minority, in a democracy the majority always win even at supreme detriment to the rights and liberties of the minority.

For a full discourse on why a democratic republic is better than a democracy check out the Federalist No. 10 (and to a lesser extent No. 9)

He is right about that. Think about it.
Alot of people think that "democracy" is the greatest thing since sliced bread. What if there were 10 people in a democracy: one lady and 9 men.
The men decide to vote to see if they are going pass a law to make it legal to rape the women. In a democracy if 6 of them voted yes and 4 no, well you do the math. The woman, a 10% minority gets the bad end of the deal even though 40% of the people were with her.

OutOfStep said:
our democratic republic is as near perfect form of government as an imperfect being can create.


Proof of that lies in the fact that the electoral college kept Gore out of the White house. Even with all those dangling chads :purple:
Our FORM of democratic replublic is likely the best government. But the way our government is abusing congressional powers is quickly making it a very bad government. We are no longer in a republican government. In a real republic, the government has full responsability to its sovereign people, because it is for the people, and by the people. The people have full authority to govern THEMSELVES and hire representatives to take care of political matters. The people are ruled by themselves and use Lawful justice under Natural Law. In a real democratic government, the people are not sovereigns, but citizens who have responsability to the government. The people vote under the government and have duties and responsabilities (taxes, draft, etc.) to the government. The citizens vote for representatives to govern the people and take care of political matters. The citizens are bound under the government's rule under Statutory Policies (color of law).

We no longer have a republican union. The 14th Amendment, among other acts of "congress", destroyed sovereignty in the union of states. Even though it was never Lawfully ratified, it still established control over American Citizens by creating true citizenship and involuntary enslavement. Today, the Patriot Act is doing the same thing. The American Citizens are being stripped of the few constitutional privileges that they still had.
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I agree. My remarks were more in relation to your calling for an abolishment of the Constitution and the establishment of a democracy, not about the current state of the republic versus what it should be.

It stands to reason that if you cannot improve upon the standing document then by revision you only can diminish it; especially in a political climate such as we find ourselves in where the document as it stands is constantly ignored or raped for loop-holes.

One thing to remember is that the state of the republic for the most part reflects the state of it's inhabitants. There is too much political hypocrisy, everyone wants to enjoy their freedom while infringing on the freedom of others because they disagree with the others utilization of that freedom.

which is why we are where we are, not because of the Constitution or the Electoral College
mingez said:
Dang, and I thought Mud and Tug were the oldest Jeeperz on this board. :lol:

Very funny, mingez!:funny: :funny: But just remember (and I think Tug will agree) don't get to be old being a fool!!! If you've learned anything from life, you've learned you'd better listen to the old b*stards.............
OutOfStep said:
....everyone wants to enjoy their freedom while infringing on the freedom of others because they disagree with the others utilization of that freedom.

THAT is the only advantage of a Democratic government over a Republican government. Republic flaws allow an individual free will to decide what is right and wrong, and can act accordingly without being told by a "higher" authority. A Democratic Government can use the mass vote to create statutory law by which the citizens must live, with fear of punishment. Statutory law can be changed by congress without the consent of the citizens. The citizens simply choose the people who they think would best be fit to decide statutory law. Although, a Republican Government sets its boundaries straight in its constitution. The judicial system, for the most part, would follow Common Law. Any specific stipulation or alteration of the accepted Law would have to be ratified by the People. There is no power in the "congress" itself because it lies in the People of the Republic(s). The only flaw is that Common Law leaves a lot of loop-holes BECAUSE too many people wish not to be part of a government, and wish to be governed. Resulting from that, the "Good Man" (figurative group of people who strictly abide and protect Common Law) must not only govern their own actions, but also must take part in judiciary order. Our legal/judiciary system today is FAR from being loyal to the Constitution (based on Common Law) to which all of its members have sworn to protect. If our judiciary system was more true to the Original Constitution, a TRUE Republican Government would have NO flaws. But in the game of a money driven world, that is not, and sadly will likely never be the case.

Edit: Can a Mod please split this thread? It is interesting matter that has very little to do with the main thread topic. Thank you
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Snitty said:
THAT is the only advantage of a Democratic government over a Republican government. Republic flaws allow an individual free will to decide what is right and wrong, and can act accordingly without being told by a "higher" authority. A Democratic Government can use the mass vote to create statutory law by which the citizens must live, with fear of punishment. Statutory law can be changed by congress without the consent of the citizens. The citizens simply choose the people who they think would best be fit to decide statutory law. Although, a Republican Government sets its boundaries straight in its constitution. The judicial system, for the most part, would follow Common Law. Any specific stipulation or alteration of the accepted Law would have to be ratified by the People. There is no power in the "congress" itself because it lies in the People of the Republic(s). The only flaw is that Common Law leaves a lot of loop-holes BECAUSE too many people wish not to be part of a government, and wish to be governed. Resulting from that, the "Good Man" (figurative group of people who strictly abide and protect Common Law) must not only govern their own actions, but also must take part in judiciary order. Our legal/judiciary system today is FAR from being loyal to the Constitution (based on Common Law) to which all of its members have sworn to protect. If our judiciary system was more true to the Original Constitution, a TRUE Republican Government would have NO flaws. But in the game of a money driven world, that is not, and sadly will likely never be the case.

Edit: Can a Mod please split this thread? It is interesting matter that has very little to do with the main thread topic. Thank you

What little rights we still have under the Constitution are gone when Presidential Executive orders like these are signed:

allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.

allows the government to seize and control the communication media.

allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

allows the government to seize all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports, and waterways.

allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.

allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.

allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.

designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.

allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.

specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.

grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.

allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has broad powers in every aspect of the nation. General Frank Salzedo, chief of FEMA's Civil Security Division stated in a 1983 conference that he saw FEMA's role as a "new frontier in the protection of individual and governmental leaders from assassination, and of civil and military installations from sabotage and/or attack, as well as prevention of dissident groups from gaining access to U.S. opinion, or a global audience in times of crisis." FEMA's powers were consolidated by President Carter to incorporate the...

National Security Act of 1947
allows for the strategic relocation of industries, services, government and other essential economic activities, and to rationalize the requirements for manpower, resources and production facilities.

:? :? :? :? :? :? :?
It is great to see that I'm not alone in the idea that we are, and have been living inside a SOCIALIST state of government. The cold war was "fought" against, and was thought to bring down the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)... Though... The nation in which we live, is without a doubt, by universal definition a Union of American Socialist Republics.
Executive Orders really tweak me sideways, especially since they try so hard to keep them on the down-low. I don't think that most people even realize that they exist and if they do they have no idea of how many there are

Snitty said:
It is great to see that I'm not alone in the idea that we are, and have been living inside a SOCIALIST state of government. The cold war was "fought" against, and was thought to bring down the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)... Though... The nation in which we live, is without a doubt, by universal definition a Union of American Socialist Republics.

No arguement from me Snitty. I have been saying it for years.

I just had a mental image of Ray Lewis (linebacker, Baltimore Ravens) doing his "We must protect this house" routine.

It's not good. I have often wondered if my dream of having an election which ousted every incumbant in the house, senate, white house, and all the rest of the elected backstabbers what would happen. I feel pretty confident that the incumbant government would consider it an "emergency" because of the "enevitable instability to follow" or something to that effect.

So, no Snitty, you are not alone. None of us are. We are just not taken seriously... yet. We are, however, made out to be whacko conspiracy theorists by the mainstream media.

I definately see the socialism and government control out of hand. The New World Order thing (World elites being united in a plot to control the world though socialist bondage) is not something I am willing to buy yet, but I have to admit there is a strong case for it, and lets face it... it is somewhat in line with some prophesy I have read ;)
Twisted, I am glad to see you are not afraid to put up with the mainstream criticism to stand for reality. HAHA, I love the Ray Lewis image.

Even though you are not totally buying the entire NWO (words said by the mouth of Bush Sr. and written on our $1 reserve notes), you see the importance of at lease acknowledging it and taking your time to educate yourself on it. I know some others here are with us on that. Good discussion here, at least for the purpose of sharing views.

Time to go eat chicken wings
I heard that Superman was having an affair with Batman, and that the Incredible Hulk was really the love child of Rosie O'Donnell and The Green Lantern......

Sparky-Watts said:
I heard that Superman was having an affair with Batman, and that the Incredible Hulk was really the love child of Rosie O'Donnell and The Green Lantern......
Actually, those are all fake relationships to throw off would be spies. You see, they are all key players in the Illuminati.