Here is another Messed up Superhero...

TwistedCopper said:
Actually, those are all fake relationships to throw off would be spies. You see, they are all key players in the Illuminati.

Gasp!!! How do you know about the Illuminati? Damn that Dan Brown for outing us!!!!!!!!!!! :p
I have three ugly words- "Special Interest Group". There is the corruption that has perverted the American Dream. If you are looking for a smoking gun, there you have it. Democracy isn't the culprit here, capitalism has raped the bill or rights. Big buisiness and the "justice" it can buy is what is robbing you and I of our rights.

mingez said:
Gasp!!! How do you know about the Illuminati? Damn that Dan Brown for outing us!!!!!!!!!!! :p

You actually get a Illuminati membership directory when you join the CFR.;)
TwistedCopper said:
Actually, those are all fake relationships to throw off would be spies. You see, they are all key players in the Illuminati.

Illuminati? What the heck is that? Some kinda Italian sports car?
Gone&DoneIt said:
...capitalism has raped the bill or rights. Big buisiness and the "justice" it can buy is what is robbing you and I of our rights.

You're very much right on that... Though its the people running this "democracy" who are using capitalism to increase the size of big business so it is unreachable by a majority of the People. From that, only the bigshots will be able to invest and profit from business. Heck, the United States of America Inc. has even turned you and I into corporations involuntarily so that they can profit from us.

mingez said:
Gasp!!! How do you know about the Illuminati? Damn that Dan Brown for outing us!!!!!!!!!!! :p

Dan Brown didn't out them. I have been hearing different theories about them for years now. Even pre 9/11. The true Illuminati existed but dissolved long before any of us here on Jeepz were alive.

Oh, and yeah... Special interest groups have perhaps done the greatest damage.

My personal favorite is the lastest bid for reparations. Boy oh boy that stuff gets my Irish up :evil:
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That "I" word has been around for hundreds of years... The "American Chapter" was introduced on May 1 1776
Snitty said:
That "I" word has been around for hundreds of years... The "American Chapter" was introduced on May 1 1776
Yes, but since the "real" one several organizations have used the name and and they (in addition to non-existant ones) have been blamed by conpiracy theorists for everything from 9/11 to global warming. It gets downright silly.

Throughout history I would think that there have always been secret groups of poweful people who, at least in their minds, rule the world or try and steer global policy.
You're right, it IS silly that EVERYTHING was blamed on them. Though, I am seriously not one to doubt that THE Illuminati (the REAL group, and yes there is just one real one) is responsible for much of the world's conspiracies. When I say conspiracy, I don't mean "made up hidden theories", I'm talking the real widely planned actions against groups of people, nationwide and worldwide groups of people. I know a lot of people take "the Enlightened" as a joke because of its name being used in so many conspiracy theories in history. But it, and the NWO are no joke, and when there are jokes made about it and people take it all lightly, they get one more point on the board.
The real proof of the coming NWO is the Shriners, they've been amassing an army of miniature cars for decades. Miniature cars that get upwards of 100 miles per gallon! Now we find ourselves with gas prices up near $3 per gallon and only heading higher. As soon as gas hits $20 a gallon they'll break out the weapons caches (FALs and scimitars I hear) and roll through the streets of the nation unopposed, as they'll be the only mobile infantry left. Once they’ve got us all ducking for cover they’ll initiate the microchips that they insert into the children who are treated at their twenty-two free “charity” Shriners Children’s Hospitals and we’ll be eliminated one by one by our own brainwashed knife wielding Masonic devil spawn. :lol:

OutOfStep said:
The real proof of the coming NWO is the Shriners, they've been amassing an army of miniature cars for decades. Miniature cars that get upwards of 100 miles per gallon! Now we find ourselves with gas prices up near $3 per gallon and only heading higher. As soon as gas hits $20 a gallon they'll break out the weapons caches (FALs and scimitars I hear) and roll through the streets of the nation unopposed, as they'll be the only mobile infantry left. Once they’ve got us all ducking for cover they’ll initiate the microchips that they insert into the children who are treated at their twenty-two free “charity” Shriners Children’s Hospitals and we’ll be eliminated one by one by our own brainwashed knife wielding Masonic devil spawn. :lol:

I got a funny look out a Shriner once when I asked him to explain to me why his fez was blood-red in color. He did not even know his own organization's history I guess...
90Xjay said:
I got a funny look out a Shriner once when I asked him to explain to me why his fez was blood-red in color. He did not even know his own organization's history I guess...

HAHA... I have asked a good number of them the same thing and NONE of them have ever known why. They know neither the origin of the color nor the word "fez". Some have taken guesses, some just had no idea. Not one was ever right. I intend not to offend anyone who may be part of the organization here... but the lower rankers are, for the most part, just in it to be part of something and only add to the army of "useful idiots".
Prolly cause it not true :lol:

Its like how people see Jesus in toast, or how they hear submilimal messages in Beatles songs. If you want to beleive something hard enough you'll search until you find something that fits your beliefs even if the truth is staring you in the eyes (and is a lot more plausable)

The checheya had many names and shapes. In Istanbul it was called a fez, fezzi, or "phecy" while the modern Egyptian version was called a tarboosh, deriving from the Persian words 'sar' meaning head and 'poosh' meaning cover. It was basically a brimless, cone-shaped, flat-topped hat made of felt. Originating in Fez, Morocco, the earliest variety was in the form of a bonnet with a long turban wound around it which could be white, red or black. When it was adopted in Istanbul the bonnet was modified. At first it was rounded, then, some time later, lengthened and subsequently shortened. At some point the turban was eliminated and the color of the checheya stuck to red. The fez gets it distinctive red hue from a dye collected from the bright red berries of the Turkish kizziljiek (Cornus mas) - a cousin to the common American dogwood (Cornus florida).

Though I've never heard the conspiracist theory about why its called a Fez. What is the answer?
Interesting history there.

Okay, so where do you folks want to take this thread (the official "Jeepz all over the map thread that will not die") next?

How about why, during a world war with Germans as an enemy, did we change the name of "frankfurters" to hot dogs, yet hamburgers remain hamburgers??? Go ahead and explain that one... yeah, let's see what you all are really made of.
I think it's because our troops used hamburger as a derogatory term for people from Hamburg. Its ok to keep it the same as long as you're making fun of your enemy :lol:
OutOfStep said:
Though I've never heard the conspiracist theory about why its called a Fez. What is the answer?

In 1465, Muslims slaughtered thousands of Jews in the area of Fez, Morocco.
Many accounts say that the Muslims dipped thier hats in the blood to honor Allah. The caps came to be called "fezzes".

There is another account of a massive slaughter in the 8th century.
Interesting, the legend I heard is that it was a Muslim slaughter of 50,000 Christians in the 8th century.

Really a mute point though since the Fez is known to have developed during the reign of Sultan Mahmud Khan II which spanned 1808-1839, and are called Fez's simply because the red pigment was only available surrounding the Village of Fez, so Fez's were only produced in Fez.

Though if you can find legitimate reference for your account I'll tip my Fez to ya ;-)