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Acute myocardial infarction. All of my patients yesterday had acute coronary events, and all but one coded. I was a black cloud yesterday. No coworkers would let me come near them or let me step into their pt rooms for fear of me making them stop breathing. It was a mentally and physically exhausting 12 hrs.

Now I understand , my deepest regrets :redface:
Don't regret laughing. That is one of the best methods of making it through a sad day.

Its sad when we must treat our occupation like we are in a war zone , we must find humor in someone's misfortune . That's the irony , but that's reality . But I respect how you can do it .

I don't feel like I am in a war zone and I certainly don't think laughing over the meaning of the term AMII is finding humor in someone else's misfortune.
I don't feel like I am in a war zone and I certainly don't think laughing over the meaning of the term AMII is finding humor in someone else's misfortune.

I'm sorry , I don't mean you living in a war zone or at AMI , I only meant in general when anyone may do this to find escape from the pressure reality creates. As told to me , by returning veterans , that in a war zone , you learn to,deal with pressure and insanity or you don't survive. Mentally and/or physically. Sorry if I did not properly explain myself.
We have to laugh, else we'd all just be depressed.

I wholeheartedly agree . Sometimes , my appearance on forum in post I will attempt to display humor but in a failed attempt at,such , I focus on helping a member with a vehicle problem and keeping my day job. I'm only so good at any of these. Forgive me , but I laugh every time I see the caption that follows your posts , I'm sorry but its just too funny !:funny: