What does your Screen name/Nickname mean???

I had another name, but crazy ex tracked me down thru it. JeepMonkey is just something I came up with because the wife loves monkeys and apparently there is a part of my anatomy (NO, not that part) that reminds her of a monkey face.

Pretty lame huh? :wub:

just don't spank it!:spank:
I think the last time I posted in this thread I was South442 because my last name is Southern and I owned an Olds 442. Now I'm SouthTJ because...well you can figure it out.
I thought I replied to this years ago.....

At the time had a Chevy Beretta and a CJ7.
Both are gone now :(

Now I have a '94 cherokee with a little 1 inch lift
and a '96 chereokee sport w/ 4 inches of lift on 31's

Years ago (like 12) I had a little side business selling Mopar Musclecar Parts, used the name for the biz and my Emails and have just always used it, except now it should be GregtheJeepguy. :???: