What not to do.

I think thay watched the flintstones useing there feet to much------------yabadabadoo


maybe theses two should run full steel doors if they cant keep their body parts inside,the second vid shows why an aftermarket cage is a good idea
Not sure who's worse, the tool driving or
the friend who keeps letting him do it just so he can film it and laugh at him!

I was out wheeling with some buddies one time and had a friend roll his jeep.. His passenger thought it would be wise to grab the roll bar above him and proceed to get his fingers smashed... He lost his birdy finger on his right hand. Its instinct to want to try to brace yourself before impact but a person has to fight the urge to put any limbs outside the vehicle.. Mind over matter I guess or learn the hard way like my friends buddy did..
The second video made me cringe. I can't believe he didn't break his leg when it rolled over like that...

Does he have mandels on? I can't stand sandles I always wear steal toe hiking boots! atleast my toes will be safe!

what does this guy do on the streets when someone brake checks him. WOW!!!!!!!