Search results

  1. mudwoman

    jeeping husband 1.0

    Personally, I am thoroughly enjoying Jeeping Husband 1.0- best program yet. On another note, we are about to have our resident welder (son) make us a coffee table out of two CJ grills we purchased earlier..... he's going to use 4wd parts he buys at a local junk yard for $.10 a pound to hold it...
  2. mudwoman

    handguns or women?

    TEN REASONS WHY SOME WOMEN PREFER HANDGUNS OVER MEN #10 You can trade an old 44 for 2 new 22's. #9 You can keep one handgun at home, and have another for when you're on the road. #8 If you admire a friend's handgun, and tell him so, he will probably let you try it out a few times. #7 Your...
  3. mudwoman

    Passed over

    RE: washer fluid reservior Hang in there mud and least ONE person on this planet thinks you are the best thing since sliced ya!
  4. mudwoman

    Greatest Sports Moment

    I gotta vote with mudman on this one- I was watching the 1980 Olympic Hockey game and when those college boys beat the Russians I was bawling! THAT was a dream team- not because of who they were when they came onto the team, but because of what they became- awesome. I really like everyone's...
  5. mudwoman

    I'm glad to be here!

    RE: personal recs. on tires Welcome, welcome, welcome.......these guys are great! You're gonna alot of fun here! I have a 94 YJ which has been spending a lot of time in the driveway lately since mudman and I drive to work together and we take his TJ (honestly I still can't keep all the "J's"...
  6. mudwoman

    How many miles is too many on a used Jeep?

    I have 154,000 on my '94 and I'd drive it anywhere. I've had a few bumps in the road, but nothing major-good luck finding the right Jeep for you.
  7. mudwoman

    Career Change? Any of you do it?

    RE: Opinions on thread Mingez- I just wrote a big long post which is now floating around in cyber space somewhere. But, it gave me a chance to read yours again, so this time I'll cut right to the chase. The choices in the medical field on your little list suck- all of them- so lets ignore them...
  8. mudwoman

    Warning NOT for those that don't like WAR footage.

    hey- I'm a peaceful, tree huggin', hippie and I love this site- I kind of thought there was room for everybody!
  9. mudwoman

    Double WHAT ?

    RE: Re: RE: 85 cj7 4wheel question OK- I have kept quiet as long as I can. Where I stand on the abortion issue is my business, unless I choose to make it public- which I don't. However, I have always looked at it a little differently than you all seem to be. What leads to abortion and what am I...
  10. mudwoman


    well......just a thought....she could enroll you in a local college welding course. It's always good to have a welder in the family.
  11. mudwoman

    This looks promising...

    now I know what to put on my Christmas list.............are you paying attention, Mud?
  12. mudwoman

    I'm addicted

    Great- another distraction!! Between this and Free Cell I may never get anything accomplished!
  13. mudwoman

    I'm seeing Red

    I for one am glad there are both conservatives and liberals- we serve as a check and balance system for each other (just my opinion, obviously anyone is free to disagree). As for John Edwards, I live in NC and there is no love lost for him in this his home state- but being as his wife was just...
  14. mudwoman

    NO... Not a good job Florida!!!!!!!!!!

    Lady, I sure hope you're right about declaring a winner. I will be interested to see what the British press has to say about all this- they usually have quite a different take on events than we do here in the states.
  15. mudwoman

    Message for Tug !! Everyone chime in

    This is Mudwoman here (Mrs. Mud). and I am saying YAHOOOOOOOO TUG!! Hope all goes well for you and you find happiness in your new job. I am grateful for all the things that wouldn't be in my home if a truck didn't bring it here. (Including all the Jeep parts we keep acquiring!) Best wishes to...